La "raccomandazione" (scherzosa ed ironica ma con un fondo di verità) è sempre la stessa: non iniziare, genera dipendenza e dà assuefazione! Sto naturalmente parlando del famoso browser game manageriale di calcio, il mitico Hattrick, al quale ho avuto la ventura di iscrivermi per rinverdire i giorni della mia adolescenza, quando in quarta ginnasio comprai il mio primo computer, non per studiare, come speravo (inutilmente) che avrebbero pensato a casa mia, bensì (naturalmente) per giocare. Non ricordo affatto come si chiamasse il gioco manageriale che avevo allora, ricordo però che per caricarlo ci voleva una mezza giornata dal registratore a cassette e la "gestione" consisteva nella possibilità di tirare tre rigori a partita, dopodiché si perdeva 10 a 3 in trasferta e 6 a 3 in casa ogni sfida un po' più impegnativa di incontrare l'ultima in classifica. Inconsapevole del rischio che correvo, molti anni dopo questo primo e poco esaltante approccio, ho compilato il form di iscrizione ad Hattrick ed ho aspettato diversi giorni che mi si assegnasse la squadra, sicuro che la mia prima negativa esperienza con i manageriali di calcio mi ponesse al riparo dall'appassionarmi troppo ad un gioco di quel genere. Dopo aver ricevuto la squadra non ho nemmeno dato un'occhiata the game for several weeks, until a threatening email to me "notice" to access within a short time in order not to lose the management team. I ran the first time when the first round drew to a close. I think it would be simplistic to define my management team during that season, the term "totally bankrupt". Meanwhile, my goalkeeper was injured and I had thought to replace it with another player whose level in the parade was described as "tremendous," which was "the best" in parades among non-goalies, after I had "reinforced" the team by buying a player at reasonable prices "low" in parades and other "poor" in attack. In this regard I think the adjectives alone are sufficiently explicit about the quality of purchases. Meanwhile, I happily skipped the workout that is behind the game and my economy recorded negative growth rates. I had not yet understood almost nothing about the steps to start growing a little society, my cogironisti had good game in the "destroy" and that during the next season, during which, however, slowly the mist that enveloped my mind manager thin out enough for me to play a decent third season just ended, in which my team placed second in the tenth series, penultimate series of Italian. However, as they say in virtual communities, are still a "newbie" of the game that much and so much to learn. I think in a sense, my brain is "clouded in snebbiarsi" occurred because of the great enthusiasm towards the game, but I know one day I stop playing, just like those who say that one day they stop smoking. Whilst it may be that they do and I do the same, I might add. Right now, however, gambling addiction seems incurable while I'm sure you know personally, "my players" and I was able to "get attached" to them, also several applications for managing the team, for the calculation of injury, for the extension of the stadiums so they live happily in the guts of my PC and my Mozilla Firefox browser. Of course I am also become supporters of the game, paying a small fee in return for services which do not increase one-thousandth of a chance to win, and I had to enlist the help of a friendly "loghista" realized that for me t-shirts and logo my team (and publicly thank you here). To make matters worse I had to, among other things, face hordes of fans "furious", try to remedy a team spirit "in revolt" hire and fire doctors and physiotherapists even owned a hospital and even trust care of sports psychologists, an idea that, basically, wanting to be a self-deprecating moment, it would then be considered as evil. For those who are still novices when it became "unfortunate" the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing captured by this wonderful game, which, paradoxically, the beginning is easily criticized and poorly regarded by those who will soon become the appassionatissimi without realizing it, add it to post some links to some tools and some sites are useful for managing some of the complex aspects of the game and to get information, statistics, tips, advice, etc., which are an essential arsenal to rise to the series A, the shield, and the Master's Hattrick chair of the CT National Hattrick. Finally, I take this opportunity to wish a "good season at all!"