Saturday, December 29, 2007

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Sell your photos online with Fotolia

Info & Numbers :
In January 2005, the founders of Fotolia have made an innovative project to create an online community where creative artists could profit from their work and where professionals working with the images they could find high quality professional images at very low cost. Since then the community Fotolia has exceeded 450,000 people and offers over 3 million images from eight sites in local languages \u200b\u200bin the world.

subjects required and trends:

Everything about the medical and health: pictures of nurses, doctors, surgeons, operating rooms, medical equipment and situations in the medical, health, check-ups, technology, X-ray injections, pharmacies, insurers and laboratories.
Photos related to work and business: persone in situazioni e in ambienti di lavoro, persone al lavoro, attrezzature, equipaggiamenti, materiali, design, simboli.
Persone impegnate in attività: foto di persone intente a fare qualcosa, a danzare, lavorare, fare sport, ridere, mangiare, guidare, costruire, risultano sempre molto vendibili.

Temi di attualità: politica generale, tematiche femminili, sessualità, crimine, religione, educazione, famiglia, guerra, razza, ambiente, povertà, ricchezza. Queste foto devono avere caratteristiche di grande buon gusto e sensibilità e riuscire a trasmettere il concetto senza risultare offensive per nessuno.
Religioni e fedi: simboli, attività, luoghi, azioni, traditions, including culinary. Photo
related technology: lasers, fiber optics, equipment, digital chips.
various Trades: boy, dentist, florist, doctor, nurse, builder, painter, plumber, electrician, engineer, pilot, photographer, teacher, banking, merchant, a receptionist, policeman, judge.
Subjects: everyday or strange, or symbol representing an idea of \u200b\u200ban .. Items such as sunglasses, keys, money, notebooks, shoes or engine pistons. The best way to portray it on a white background or black smooth.
photo in the foreground or macro objects or people.
Underwater photos: flora and fauna or marina, topografia oceanica, immersioni, snorkeling, sirene e mostri marini (in caso ne troviate)

Tipi di immagini e requisiti:
Immagini vettoriali in formato SVG
I file vettoriali sono ammessi fino ad un peso massimo di 1 MB
Foto ed illustrazioni in formato JPEG (dimensioni minime 2400 x 1600 pixel, 4 MP)
Le immagini panoramiche devono avere una proporzione tra 0.26 e 0.5
I file devono pesare meno di 20 MB
Non interpolate o ingrandite le vostre foto!
I file inviati dovrebbero essere in formato Jpeg 8 bit RGB con compressione minima
Limitate al minimo lo sharpening

Caricamento immagini:
E' semplice: basta accedere al proprio Fotolia space with login and password and go to "My Photos" and select a method for loading images from those available (easy loading, loading, Flash, or FTP). Once uploaded the images you must attach the information for indexing (click on the Edit button '). This information consists of a title, a brief description of the subject, a set of keywords - in Italian and keywords sorted by relevance with the subject of the image. Without this we must select the relevant category of the image and the sales price within the parameters allowed in its level in the standings. Completed the work of indexing, and After attaching any releases for recognizable brands and people, it remains to check the box to settle and then click "Finish and validation." The picture presented is examined in the international team of Fotolia selection that verifies the eligibility to enter the distribution channel Fotolia. In any case, you will receive an email notification to inform the outcome of the audit.

Compensation Photographer:
A photographer may choose to sell their images on Fotolia exclusive or not. If you decide to sell the exclusive, the gain will be at least 50% of the sale price. This percentage increases according to their ranking in sellers. If you decide to sell not only on Fotolia, the gain will be at least 33% of the sale price. Again, the percentage increases according to their ranking in sales. Fotolia allows to determine the price for each image sold. So, in summary: for each photo sold will receive a commission. This committee shall be transferred to your personal account Fotolia form of loans. To see the balance of your credits, you can click on the heading "My credits" on the home page of your account. The credits earned on the sale of photos can be used as credits to buy or photos on the Fotolia web site, or can be converted into cash.

Types of payment:

Conversion into money you can transfer your credits to a Paypal account or Money Booker. Paypal and Money Booker are services that allow you to collect income from a number of sites and transfer them for free or very low commission on your personal account. A Paypal account also allows you to use the income received from the 45,000 other sites where you can pay through Paypal transaction system. Money Booker works on the same principle in many countries are not necessarily covered by Paypal.
If you do not yet have a Paypal account or Moneybooker, you can create one for free by clicking on the following link: Paypal Free membership, Register gratuita a MoneyBooker .
La conversione dei vostri crediti si fa cliccando istantaneamente sul link "Convertire i miei crediti" nella rubrica i "Miei crediti" del vostro conto. Il vostro conto deve contenere un minimo di 2 crediti convertibili affinché il trasferimento sia possibile. Non c'è nessuna commissione per i trasferimenti superiori a 50 crediti. Una commissione fissa di un credito sarà applicata per le transazioni inferiori a 50 crediti.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

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Quality Standards: duplication and multiple shots

La varietà ha la sua importanza, ma non inviare 10 immagini che a prima vista sembrano tutte uguali: limitati a quella con la migliore inquadratura. Serie di immagini che appaiano troppo simili verranno probabilmente rifiutate durante il inspection process.


A version in black and white>>

not acceptable :

versions with different colors Series with similar shots

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Quality Standards: scanning

Artifacts: All scanners, both high quality and the cheapest ones in the images may introduce imperfections or streaks, sometimes only visible when the file is scanned and printed at actual size. If this happens, you can try to rescan the image, but perhaps the best solution is to buy a scanner.

Noise: occurs primarily in low light or in the presence of shadows, usually due to poor quality of the scanner. Sometimes, the problem of background noise can be corrected with a program to reduce background noise.

Drum Scanner:

To get quality scans, are essential drum scanner. The operation of this type of scanner depends on a different process than traditional desktop scanner, because it is based on the positioning of slides and negatives on a drum acrylic that allows you to accurately capture all the details of the original image at high resolution.

Oversampling: Oversampling is the process by which a scanner repeated several times to scan an image and then combines the data to produce an average of differences. This method allows for cleaner scans, especially in low lighting and shaded areas. This feature is available in most of the more expensive scanners, but if you do not have this option, you can repeat manually scan the image several times with a range of different shades and then process the images trying to change the settings of opacity and blending .

scans clean grana della pellicola accettabile
Non accettabili:

Scansione con aspetto sfumato/sfocato
Scansioni con polvere, peli e/o graffi visibili

Scansioni con distorsione a causa del rumore di fondo

Elementi da prendere in considerazione quando si acquista uno scanner:

· Risoluzione (quella ottica deve essere di almeno 2.700 ppi)

· Densità massima (qualità delle scansioni di diapositive, ottica 3,6)

· Qualità dei supporti per la pellicola

· Interfaccia del driver

· Sovracampionamento (per ridurre al minimo rumore di fondo e artefatti indesiderati)

· Rimozione automatica della polvere


· Mantieni pulita la superficie dello scanner per evitare trovare polvere o peli nelle immagini

· Per ottenere la massima qualità lascia riscaldare lo scanner per almeno cinque minuti

• To use quality film scans at speeds below 400 ISO (100 is the optimal value)

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Quality Standards: isolated objects and finishing

photos of objects on white background, manually removing the background and adding finishing paths (clipping path) between the images may be more useful for designers, since it is easy to insert and manipulate them in a graphic design. On the other hand, a designer for the cancellation of a high pile rug can be a nightmare and this will affect the number of downloads and the quality of composition.

not acceptable:
Contorni scalettati Contorni eccessivamente sfumati Ombre che disturbano


· Cerca di mantenere i contorni puliti e regolari, ma non sfumarli troppo e non renderli scalettati

· Non contare sullo strumento Bacchetta magica per eliminare con precisione gli sfondi

· Non utilizzare il flash incorporato per illuminare uno sfondo, perché molto probabilmente creerà ombre marcate • To

photographs of isolated objects most useful colors are black and white

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Quality Standards: excessive use of filters

Although the debate about who is on between the photographer and designer should provide a post-editing of images, may be useful tweak some details a photograph to attract a wider audience. Whether you're altering the colors in the development phase (cross processing) or is applying filters to get the desired effect, the end result should be a photograph that can still be incorporated into a project chart. There are no absolute indications on what to touch up and enhance a photo such as the ruins, but the inspectors evaluate images based quality, composition and variety of uses to which they lend.


Altering colors (cross processing)
versions grayscale and sepia

not acceptable:

filters applied with simple single process, eg. the cutout.

excessive contrast that affects the image quality


· retouch photos stock designer thinking

· The use of filters does not impair the quality or sharpness

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Quality Standards: background noise and color distortion

Digital noise and color distortion: The background noise of an image is the change in value during the discovery process by the camera. The background noise and color distortion (or digital noise) occur mainly in areas of uniform color (such as. Skies and shadows) and are caused by temperature and / or the sensitivity / ISO settings. An increase in sensitivity requires a greater amount of light to avoid the generation of background noise. Under conditions of prolonged exposure, the cameras can also create a different kind of noise, called "hot pixels" (dots / pixels of color blocks).

Correction of background noise: The trick to effectively reduce the background noise (either by touch-points, either through special programs and filters, such as Neat Image and Noise Ninja) is to correct the areas concerned without affecting the overall quality and image sharpness. The programs available for free tend to produce low-quality results because they create an effect "watercolor" or blur, and sometimes lack the necessary settings to save the image to the highest quality.


The JPEG file format uses a lossy compression: to reduce the size of the files are deleted or lost information. The amount of information lost depends on the set of "quality" of selected programs for image editing and digital cameras when you save JPEG files. At one point, with low quality settings, the elimination of information during the compression process can become visible in the form of compression artifacts (image points that have been lost too many details). Excessive JPEG compression can become visible or as a general loss of detail or as a grainy areas or areas where regular patterns appear (especially in uniform areas, such as may be the sky).

Artifacts: with low quality settings on the camera and / or editing software may introduce compression artifacts in the image. Moreover, the change of the format, sampling or repeated bailouts may degrade the quality of a JPEG, quindi occorre prestare attenzione a non salvare troppo frequentemente questo tipo di file. Se, ad esempio, una foto viene risalvata 4 volte (anche a una qualità di "12" o "Massima"), la qualità dell'immagine peggiorerà sempre di più. Tenendo conto di questo processo, è ovvio che conviene iniziare sempre dall'immagine più pulita possibile. Può essere utile controllare attentamente le impostazioni della fotocamera per accertarsi che i salvataggi vengano effettuati alla massima qualità.

Immagine originale
In the above example is presented a ' acceptable image. Looking at the image full size (100%), no visible noise, discoloration of pixels or "Jaggie" caused by excessive compression JPG.
not accept:

Background noise (distortion and color / pixel)

Possible solutions: Adjust your camera on ISO 200 or less. Or, use a slower film (25 to 200 ISO) to minimize background noise and / or film grain.

Compression (* Jaggie)

Possible solutions: Save the original image with a higher quality (9-12 is the optimal level). Moreover, the change of the format, sampling or repeated bailouts may degrade the quality of a JPG, so be careful not to save too often this type of file.

* i "Jaggie" have jagged edges that appear along the edges of objects.

• Save the images to a 100% quality

· Some images have noise levels too high to be corrected with special programs / filters

· Greater and setting levels ISO, the more light needed to avoid background noise

• Some post-editing programs can create noise when you save the image

· The various areas of a photograph of each require a different level of correction to eliminate background noise, etc..

• During the post-editing, save your images as TIFF (or PSD) to avoid compression

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Quality Standards: Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photographic composition. With the spread of digital cameras and electronic flash, quality in this area has declined and was replaced by the convenience of the "snapshot". The disadvantage of relying on the built-in flash is that its position close to the lens can cause the appearance of unsightly harsh shadows and reflections on glossy surfaces. When taking pictures for an archive, give the priority to the balance of light in the image (to avoid technical errors described below).

not acceptable:


Possible solution: move further from your subject or use the natural light sources or additional lighting, do not trust the built-in flash. To use a flash diffuser.

Dark areas

Possible solution: Make reflect the flash (on a muro, per esempio) per uniformare la luce oppure colloca della carta oleata sul flash per attenuare le ombre.


Possibile soluzione: Aumenta il tempo di esposizione o l'apertura del diaframma per far entrare più luce.


Possibile soluzione: Riduci il tempo di esposizione o l'apertura del diaframma per far entrare meno luce.

Reflections Objective

Cause: Reflections of light from direct light sources, collected from the lens of the camera.

Possible solution: Avoid pointing the camera toward the light source (to reduce glare lens) or reduce the aperture to limit glare. Remodeling areas where there are imperfections with a suitable tool clones.

chromatic aberrations (purple fringing)

Cause: is a problem that commonly occurs with digital cameras in low light conditions and in the presence of high-contrast edges and causes the appearance of a halo of light purple (or other color) along the contours. The problem may also be due to the model or the quality of the lens focus.

Possible solution: Increase aperture (f4 or higher) to balance the light.


· Remember that perfect illumination does not necessarily require large expenditures

• To photograph isolated objects using cloth, paper or paperboard, bleached

• Use wax paper in front of the flash to soften shadows

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Quality Standards: Focus

motion blur: The motion blur is achieved by reducing the speed of ' camera shutter (from 1 / 4 to 1 / 15 sec) to capture the movement. Key factors are the intention, commitment and composition.


Immagine sfocata per mettere in risalto il movimento
Sfocatura da luci composte
Non accettabili:

Sfocature astratte

Effetto soft focus:

l'effetto soft focus consiste nel distorcere zone di luce con una leggera sfocatura, preservando però la qualità e il dettaglio dell'immagine. Le immagini il cui aspetto risulta poco nitido possono essere rifiutate o ricevere un punteggio inferiore in base alla valutazione generale di qualità e composizione. Ricorrere all'effetto soft focus non significa creare immagini leggermente fuori fuoco: queste ultime verranno rifiutate.

Esempi di effetto soft focus:

Fotografie mosse: Al contrario di quelli brevi, i tempi di esposizione lunghi non consentono di fissare il moto del soggetto e durante lo scatto di una fotografia rendono la fotocamera more sensitive to movement (eg a hand just stops). A wider aperture (smaller number "F") or a number ASA / higher ISO (film speed) can reduce the exposure time. On the other hand, a larger aperture will lead to a greater depth of field (DOF) and a higher ISO number may result in the ginning of the image or the appearance of background noise. The best way to avoid camera shake is to use a tripod and a remote triggering device. If necessary, try to hold the camera with both hands or resting on a fixed surface. With digital cameras or even certain types of targets the photos can be moved.


• To blur effects, never lose sight of the desired result and the commitment and priority to the composition

· The blur effects are rarely effective if they cover the entire image

· The blur must never compromise the quality

• To avoid camera shake, use a tripod and a remote triggering device

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Quality Standards: intro

Each upload photos intend to resell in order to be accepted must meet a standard of quality. Generally, the images are rejected we can identified using the following criteria:

· Set Fire approximate
· Lighting inadequate
is excessive background noise, shelled or color distortion
· Use filters
· excessive compression artifacts
is isolated and finishing inaccurate
· Dust and debris scans
· Oversampling oversizing of images or inadequate
· Composition
· Title, description or keywords
° Infringement of copyright inappropriate logos, trademarks
· Content adult or violent images

Sunday, December 16, 2007

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Sell your photos online!

If people regularly exclaim "ohhh" photographs on sites like Flickr and Fotolog, photographs renumerate not, maybe we are all destined to become great photographers, but if it goes wrong we will gain only a couple of extra euro having chosen to upload them to sites that sell them for you!

It 's easier than ever to put his picture in public, which of course an enormous amount of competition, but it also means it could be a convenient way to have a secondary income.

The procedure is very simple: just sign up to the main points of sale, upload pictures directly from the browser or via FTP, enter a title, description, keywords - keywords for each image, and waiting for checks!

Each site will contact you to alert you if your photo has been accepted or not, and normally you will be contacted for each sale ... though to be more 'accurate, these are configurable options in the various boards of directors of your profile.

So the main thing to do is register for FREE to the main site .. what are they? Here is a list abundant, it will grow over time as they analyze new:

Fotolia, Dreamstime , 123rf , BigStockPhoto , LuckyOliver , CanStockPhoto , Shutterstock, iStockPhoto , FeaturePics , ShutterPoint , Zymmetrical, NewDarkRoom , KeenImages , Zoon, Album