Tuesday, December 18, 2007

French Song South Park Nambla

Quality Standards: scanning

Artifacts: All scanners, both high quality and the cheapest ones in the images may introduce imperfections or streaks, sometimes only visible when the file is scanned and printed at actual size. If this happens, you can try to rescan the image, but perhaps the best solution is to buy a scanner.

Noise: occurs primarily in low light or in the presence of shadows, usually due to poor quality of the scanner. Sometimes, the problem of background noise can be corrected with a program to reduce background noise.

Drum Scanner:

To get quality scans, are essential drum scanner. The operation of this type of scanner depends on a different process than traditional desktop scanner, because it is based on the positioning of slides and negatives on a drum acrylic that allows you to accurately capture all the details of the original image at high resolution.

Oversampling: Oversampling is the process by which a scanner repeated several times to scan an image and then combines the data to produce an average of differences. This method allows for cleaner scans, especially in low lighting and shaded areas. This feature is available in most of the more expensive scanners, but if you do not have this option, you can repeat manually scan the image several times with a range of different shades and then process the images trying to change the settings of opacity and blending .

scans clean grana della pellicola accettabile
Non accettabili:

Scansione con aspetto sfumato/sfocato
Scansioni con polvere, peli e/o graffi visibili

Scansioni con distorsione a causa del rumore di fondo

Elementi da prendere in considerazione quando si acquista uno scanner:

· Risoluzione (quella ottica deve essere di almeno 2.700 ppi)

· Densità massima (qualità delle scansioni di diapositive, ottica 3,6)

· Qualità dei supporti per la pellicola

· Interfaccia del driver

· Sovracampionamento (per ridurre al minimo rumore di fondo e artefatti indesiderati)

· Rimozione automatica della polvere


· Mantieni pulita la superficie dello scanner per evitare trovare polvere o peli nelle immagini

· Per ottenere la massima qualità lascia riscaldare lo scanner per almeno cinque minuti

• To use quality film scans at speeds below 400 ISO (100 is the optimal value)


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