Thursday, January 10, 2008


3 things to check before you upload an image

Before loading the images, ensuring that they have the best quality that you are able to produce. By that I mean to closely examine your images to avoid problems such as dust, overexposure, poor composition, distracting the buyer and / or the person who will validate your image because of these "details", removing their eyes from the brigade main subject .

Sure, you lose a few minutes to correct these problems with a program like Photoshop or Lightroom, but do not see your image rejected, or worse, accepted but never sold! And 'obviously counterproductive to deliver a job is not finished!

The main things to check are 3: 1

. The points of dust / noise

is probably the most boring thing to look for, but also one of the easiest to fix.

After opening the image with your editing software (Photoshop is excellent), you have to do is move around and zoom the image to check it carefully. When in zoom mode, a useful key shortcuts in Photoshop is the space bar: taking button, you can move quickly using the mouse, the cursor which will have the classic shape of the hand.

If you come across a dusty point ", use the healing brush tool to solve the problem. Selecting the tool, you set the brush size to a diameter sufficient to cover the noise.
In Photoshop, press the Alt key and click in an area that has the same good image color and tone of the area you want to correct. Release the Alt key and now click on the point to be corrected. Simple, right?! There will certainly be helpful to take a little practice to get used to using this tool and understand how it works, but believe me, it was a great friend for photographers!

In Lightroom, the instrument operates in a similar way except that it is not necessary to press the Alt key Just click on the field you want to correct and you will see a circle that you can drag in a good area of \u200b\u200bthe photo.

2. Composition poor (poor composition)

This is not as easy to solve on the computer! If the original composition is really wrong, then there is nothing that can help you. If the subject is just a little 'out there or something that distracts the attention, the crop tool can be used to cut away something you do not want in order to improve the composition. This may seem trivial, but it is not. You can also use the crop tool to correct the problem of slope horizon.

It 'pretty easy to do. You must select the crop tool, drag a box around your image and then use the 'hooks' on the corners of the box to resize it at will. Moving the cursor a bit 'out of the corners of the box it will change slightly. Now, clicking and dragging the mouse you can rotate the selection, so you can correct the problem horizon pending. Press ENTER, the cut will be applied.

A little advice: try to use this tool to make small clippings on the edge of your image. The online sales sites of your photos impose minimum requirements on the size of the pictures above, and if they cut off too large a portion, you might see your photo rejected ... therefore, do not overdo it!

3. strong light and shadows (shadows and hilights)

A very simple way to correct lighting and shadows is to control levels, the histogram to speak, of your image and make sure you have a good spread from true black to true white. If your histogram is towards one end, then you must make some corrections. By changing the levels correct to a certain extent that is not good. Obviously you can not fix everything perfectly, but make sure that every image has histogram levels well distributed, to show the right shades ranging from white to black.

Here we are. Three simple things to check before sending your image. None of these processes take a long time to complete, and if you find that each image presents them, is certainly the case with acuisizione adjust how the image (click). This will help you avoid wasting time in front of the computer.

Do you have other tips like these? What tools do you use more when preparing your images? Let me know. I'd like to create another post with useful tips dare, e creare qualche pagina da stampare e appendere vicino il monitor del computer!


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