"The captain is down But still believing That His love will be repaid [...] your hearts must have the courage for the changing of The Guards "in the text
This sounds like Dylan's prophecy in my life.
Enjoy it! Childhood passes in an instant. This you say.
"Channel idiot" would you answer them.
Do you find it, just after passing the halfway of "our life", to start over for prosecution. You
father, dad, father, in fact so commonly used that word to be incomprehensible.
You have the right during the race, passing the baton, but you have to keep running alongside until the end of your runway, parallel but still (eventually I hope) shorter than his.
not sleeping. Or you can sleep better when the new tyrant grants.
And no man, woman, wise, text metatext and, since the world, you can give the secret of the remedy.
Why is not there. And maybe there should be.
And nobody has the courage to slam it in his face. "Yeah ... and at first it takes a month or so ..."
not a question of rhythm, that you are cursed more. E 'dying to oneself that is consumed. It 's the final changing of the guard that you are working.
And now you're half a step behind the front line finally see how the line is thin, weak and fragile. And you have to renew loyalty, protection. "Faithful to the line even when there is / when the emperor is sick / dies when o è dubbioso / o è perplesso".
Capisci poi la portata della scelta che hai fatto con la donna che é al tuo fianco. Hai visto la sua faccia trasfigurata dal dolore ("che tanto si dimentica" dicono le semplici), hai visto il dolore sull'unico volto su cui non l'avresti mai voluto. Il suo corpo cambiare, la "montata" lattea, il crollo tra le lacrime degli ormoni.
E capisci che mezza vita non ti ha preparato a niente.
Neppure i tuoi, che ora saranno nonni suoi.
Ci hanno provato, devi dar loro atto.
Ma niente ti può realmente prepare a questo. Questo che la tua testa scientifica scompone in mille parti e il tuo cuore, that memory of the divine, unified in accepting a miracle.
good roads, Matthew!
This sounds like Dylan's prophecy in my life.
Enjoy it! Childhood passes in an instant. This you say.
"Channel idiot" would you answer them.
Do you find it, just after passing the halfway of "our life", to start over for prosecution. You
father, dad, father, in fact so commonly used that word to be incomprehensible.
You have the right during the race, passing the baton, but you have to keep running alongside until the end of your runway, parallel but still (eventually I hope) shorter than his.
not sleeping. Or you can sleep better when the new tyrant grants.
And no man, woman, wise, text metatext and, since the world, you can give the secret of the remedy.
Why is not there. And maybe there should be.
And nobody has the courage to slam it in his face. "Yeah ... and at first it takes a month or so ..."
not a question of rhythm, that you are cursed more. E 'dying to oneself that is consumed. It 's the final changing of the guard that you are working.
And now you're half a step behind the front line finally see how the line is thin, weak and fragile. And you have to renew loyalty, protection. "Faithful to the line even when there is / when the emperor is sick / dies when o è dubbioso / o è perplesso".
Capisci poi la portata della scelta che hai fatto con la donna che é al tuo fianco. Hai visto la sua faccia trasfigurata dal dolore ("che tanto si dimentica" dicono le semplici), hai visto il dolore sull'unico volto su cui non l'avresti mai voluto. Il suo corpo cambiare, la "montata" lattea, il crollo tra le lacrime degli ormoni.
E capisci che mezza vita non ti ha preparato a niente.
Neppure i tuoi, che ora saranno nonni suoi.
Ci hanno provato, devi dar loro atto.
Ma niente ti può realmente prepare a questo. Questo che la tua testa scientifica scompone in mille parti e il tuo cuore, that memory of the divine, unified in accepting a miracle.
good roads, Matthew!

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