Jokes (not so) apart, I must say that Tex and the Bonelli comics in general have always been part of my life, and in some numbers that I have always been possible to find traces of it even physical, like a little along with blood that I lost a tooth in the '"Traffickers Arms and the halos of tears for a girl in the '"Thonga the tyrant." Although he has stopped buying the series several times for various reasons, I have managed, at different times and with funky research at comics, flea markets and attics, to put together a "collection" colorful and diverse, containing practically all the stories of the rangers, if eccettuiamo some short story published in other journals or special events.
Even now, after so much time, I still get emotional when I see the cover of starvation which looks from the usual shelf in newsagents, moves me like a baby when I see the legendary covers Galep or new beautiful covers Villa still "live" and even more when I see a Tex in the hands of a child or a child learning to read and the values \u200b\u200bof equality and justice, that the ranger is and has always been passionate for his readers, at the same time.
This series has gone through and has followed all my life, I remember the days and times when I bought special numbers, I remember waiting, sometimes lasted for years, to recover the books that ended stories that I had only a part, the disappointment I felt at times when the ending did not correspond to what I had imagined for so long. I loved both the series and its fantastic characters, the great Kit Carson, grumpy and pessimistic but also more generous and humane dello stesso protagonista, Kit Willer e Tiger, due tizzoni d'inferno alternativamente protagonisti o semplici pedine a seconda delle circostanze, e poi El Morisco, Montales, Cochise, Tom Devlin, Mefisto, Proteus, Yama eccetera eccetera. E Naturalmente Tex, l'infallibile e implacabile raddrizzatore di torti, che avrei voluto almeno diecimila volte al mio fianco.
Tutto questo amore e questa passione, per me durati tutta la mia vita e tuttora inscalfiti, non possono essere banalizzati con la frase “leggi ancora i giornaletti alla tua età”. Questo “fumetto” mi ha dato tanto e insegnato tanto, in particolar modo a livello di valori come la fratellanza e la giustizia, ha stimolato la mia fantasia ed ha reso più sopportabili the difficult moments and happy moments more exciting, and is still able to perform this spell, despite the years have passed and much water under the bridge.
This is the great magic that Tex is able to produce, intertwined in the life of a child and be there when the graying temples with the same vitality. That ultimately leads to the heart probably also the one who marvels of my copy of Tex, and that little would be enough to awaken, if you let go as I have never stopped being an adventure to live with long-pard, of course, literally a lifetime.
reppresenta the image on the cover of Tex 400 © Sergio Bonelli Editore