La promessa era quella di scrivere un post. Il proposito era quello di scrivere un post su Swift, autore amato dall’amministratore di questo blog ma ancora incompreso dalla minoranza illuminata che visita questo convegno libero. Questo fino a stamattina.
Stamattina però sono andata dalla parrucchiera e questo ha avuto due conseguenze: la prima è che sono molto più bella, la seconda è che lì ho potuto leggere l’articolo di Anselma Dell’Olio su Grazia. La moglie di Giuliano Ferrara sostiene che Berlusconi e Obama non sono poi così diversi. E' senz’altro un'opinione originale, io direi pure infondata (ed infatti suffragata da esili arguments), so that bothered me was one sentence: we say that Berlusconi was "still on America's side before we know which side is" putting it in quotation marks, suggesting a sentence out directly from the mouth prudent Berlusconi.
I, first to stand with America, I want to know which side is America. And not just with America, first to stay with China, Cuba, before being with Putin or Qaddafi or the candidate for mayor of my town. How can we think to walk with someone ignoring the objective towards which it is directed?
'm annoyed because I perceive widespread among the habit of making political choices without explanation. I can not understand or might not like? They say death
ideologies but then asks a priori support, ideological.
And there's Tremonti says that Berlusconi, "the bond between us is not only politician, goes beyond technical issues. It is a personal relationship can not be changed. " I am not reassured this type of stable government, I am concerned about the ties of friendship in power because they can become complicity. And there is Deborah
Serracchiani supporting the candidate most sympathetic to the secretary of PD. Thanks for the tip, if you ever invite me to a pizza, I will accept; but why should I vote for? 20PIANO_VERDE_9614cf52-5afd-11de-8305-00144f02aabc.shtml -democratico-29/parla-debora/parla-debora.html
Stamattina però sono andata dalla parrucchiera e questo ha avuto due conseguenze: la prima è che sono molto più bella, la seconda è che lì ho potuto leggere l’articolo di Anselma Dell’Olio su Grazia. La moglie di Giuliano Ferrara sostiene che Berlusconi e Obama non sono poi così diversi. E' senz’altro un'opinione originale, io direi pure infondata (ed infatti suffragata da esili arguments), so that bothered me was one sentence: we say that Berlusconi was "still on America's side before we know which side is" putting it in quotation marks, suggesting a sentence out directly from the mouth prudent Berlusconi.
I, first to stand with America, I want to know which side is America. And not just with America, first to stay with China, Cuba, before being with Putin or Qaddafi or the candidate for mayor of my town. How can we think to walk with someone ignoring the objective towards which it is directed?
'm annoyed because I perceive widespread among the habit of making political choices without explanation. I can not understand or might not like? They say death
ideologies but then asks a priori support, ideological.
And there's Tremonti says that Berlusconi, "the bond between us is not only politician, goes beyond technical issues. It is a personal relationship can not be changed. " I am not reassured this type of stable government, I am concerned about the ties of friendship in power because they can become complicity. And there is Deborah
Serracchiani supporting the candidate most sympathetic to the secretary of PD. Thanks for the tip, if you ever invite me to a pizza, I will accept; but why should I vote for? 20PIANO_VERDE_9614cf52-5afd-11de-8305-00144f02aabc.shtml -democratico-29/parla-debora/parla-debora.html
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