Sunday, January 24, 2010

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texiane Tradition and modernity: a point of view clearly part [1]

Parte prima: il Tex di Giovanni Luigi Bonelli

Un discorso chiaramente partigiano

Avverto il lettore che quello che mi accingo a scrivere non è un intervento che wish to be objective, it is clearly a part of speech, and intellectual honesty, I must immediately admit that there is no doubt that this should be considered. There is, for me to be objective when discussing a topic that deeply touches my feelings. Indeed, rather, that affects the sentiments of what I was, that a child daydreaming the collection of Tex in his library, and put at the top of his wish to be able to browse and read the wonderful books of the ranger , books that wanted more than anything in the world.
Other times, I must say. Times when our mothers did not want playing at home, we threw him out after school as soon as the season allowed it and did not want to meet again until a certain time. And then there were not the groups of boys with or without their beloved books, waiting to be able to complete two teams for the ball, and meanwhile organized a fantastic stock exchange securities with beautiful and colorful. Other times I was saying. And of course, another Tex ...
... Another Tex, an introduction linked to nostalgia, childhood ... I could not choose the best allies that this stain from my talk is only of ideological hues and simple counter that I do become distracted by nostalgia, that often the changes are better but are perceived as so negative. Okay, I chose to play a difficult game, but a Once I've agreed to do so I just have to play it all the way and openly. And then of course I do, giving an overview of the features that impressed me then and that meant that the love for the character is virtually unchanged after so many years in me.

The Tex Gian Luigi Bonelli, a great character is difficult to define

A mo 'introduction, I tried to jot down a list of characteristics of the rangers as well as I knew him back when I read it too table, provoking the ire of my parents and ruining the books permanently:

Tex is the driving force of all its history. All things revolve around him, the heliocentric system is replaced by "texcentrico. Nothing positive can happen without his involvement. Tex was born as an outlaw, and in fact immediately embodies the righteousness which is quite separate from the law, Tex is a synthesis impossible Rangers, Indian chief and Indian agent, white and red. Tex is a man who strikes terror into the enemies and absolute trust in friends. Tex is able to find any clue of hank and his nose and "a certain voice," lead him straight to the solution of any plot ... and so on.

I could go on for pages, but doing what I think is an absolutely useless: it is impossible, or at least extremely simplistic, to try to know the origins of Tex listing its major characteristics. It would be much quicker and better to list only one: the inconsistency. Tex is a very contradictory character with himself, as the result of many years of adventures written by his father and the first writer unsurpassed in a large volcanic and without planning, as he often said. An Indian chief who called the red man "faces of clay," a lawyer acting maliciously by the arsonist, the bomber and the torturer, a man who despises money and that he always pays with mysterious inexhaustible funds but does a blizzard because the soldiers were handed over to Navajos of his lean animals, except leave enormous treasures in gold and emeralds to rot in the desert, which could easily turn his people into a community of rich vaqueros. And even in this list I could dwell at leisure. What I think is clear from these reviews on the subject as it is true that the first Tex is easy to think of a mysterious object, being a person who is groping his precise identity, both graphic and psychological but, Incredi, Tex remains and will remain a difficult character to define and harness in one or more synthetic formulas also true in the age of first maturity, in what is generally considered his period gold, that I, perhaps arbitrarily, I tend to identify with the arrival of William letter and order books of the strip, in which the comic becomes really very nice graphically and is definitely a quantum leap.
Tex: a short and snappy name designed for a man of action and impulsive, which does not hesitate to physically attack anyone who dares to question his word or who dares to challenge or provoke him, indeed, he is a born provocateur, a man who is able to say what he thinks anyone without fear of retaliation, which does not come to terms except through their own initiative, who lives in an open, brave, risky and yet always has a smile on his lips. But Tex is also the name of an intelligent and intuitive, and positive skeptic who does not believe in magic although it has clashed several times with the sorcerer, a man all my heart and all of the brain, in short, a man at the square. And as in all things squared, the less they become more and no less so, despite the common mortals do not enjoy this wonderful privilege. Even the pards, starting with Kit Carson, who acts as a humanizing and a watch, and remember to have sleep and hunger, being tired and feeling pessimistic and discouraged.
The charm of this character is great: a man alone, often without even the moral support of the army or other institutions that need his help, can to bring justice in the wilderness in which there is rule of force, annihilating opponents despite the disproportionate size, use of resources "cathartic" as fire, explosion, water or even launched into a mad train race. A titanic Tex, which moves almost forces of nature that is almost always a smile, able to joke in the shark tank or enough to deal with his own tormentors.
This fascination is, in my humble opinion, the secret of the success of the series: the character certainly has some characteristics of the classic comic book hero, the kind that come out of the water with his pants dry and have no moral hesitation because their code etico scolpito nel granito, ma è, in realtà , eterno , più che moderno o classico, rappresentando, certo, l'eterna lotta del bene contro il male, ma nel suo caso con il bene protagonista soverchiante e disposto ad adoperare qualsiasi mezzo per prevalere. Tex rappresenta una giustizia aggressiva ed eterodossa, una giustizia "illegale" che ha un opinione molto bassa della legge, i cui rappresentanti spesso, lungi dall'applicarla, la adoperano come scudo per difendere i loro loschi scopi a spese dei più deboli, non senza l'avvallo di chi dovrebbe controllarli e che invece fa l'esatto contrario. E la rappresenta in maniere altamente spettacolari, dalla immancabile rissa nel saloon ai migliori "fuochi artificial "dynamite.

A character almost magical, that over time and the changing of the authors has changed and many of them like me, they feel acutely the nostalgia.

[...] Continue

's image is the cover of Giant Tex No. 1 © Sergio Bonelli Editore


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