Friday, February 5, 2010

Tech Deck V Tehnopolis

The "modern" private investigator to smell himself and prisoner of (1)

The "modernity texiana" by Claudio Nizzi

Among the many schools of thought about Tex "modern", there is no doubt that he sees the rangers, Olympic demigod or titanium according to the previous interpretations, engaged Pirandello in a search page from the mid-eighties, a period whose Tex, orphaned character of a great father, expecting to find another Giovanni Luigi Bonelli, of course, without finding it, finding instead an unexpected and sudden fall to Earth. No more Hercules or Prometheus, but through a sudden and rapid escape from the myth, the hero is transformed into a human being altogether. Even tra i più brillanti, mi verrebbe da aggiungere con un pizzico di malignità.
Con Claudio Nizzi, l'uomo Tex prevale con grande chiarezza sull'eroe Tex. E magicamente il pallino delle sue storie passa dalle sue mani a quelle dei suoi nemici. Le vicende di Tex si tingono di giallo, i misteri o presunti tali iniziano a pullulare, ma, come è stato fatto giustamente notare, non sono più misteri ingenui alla “Satania”, sono misteri “impegnativi”, forse troppo per il nostro ranger appena umanizzato, quasi fosse un novello Pinocchio. I suoi nemici prendono il sopravvento nell'economia delle avventure, ed il ranger più famoso d'Italia principia a brancolare sempre più spesso nel buio. Per fortuna non loses the ability to shoot and get into fights, unfortunately lost his usual intuition that guided him very well so far. There are numerous stories in which Night Eagle is unable to solve the riddle itself, the solution of which is as flat-spotted face, right in time for some beneinformato and providential "deus ex machina", also there have been countless stories where Tex is saved in extremis by those who are to pass in those parts of the Indian cavalry to friends, from children to old ladies.
The enemies get larger, they take over, manipulating our hero like a puppet, lead him by the nose wherever they want, except seeing snatch victory by a stroke of fortuitous luck. Consequently
Tex, bereft of his charisma, passes by authoritarianism and begins to issue "orders" to Kit Carson and Tiger (just between us, annoying inconsistency, as a friend to help you because you estimate does not impart orders) becomes the "boss" of pards, his heroic stature seems to be part of the past, making a simple business card, while the figure shows a threshold after another.
good stories out there, especially in the early years, but they are not, as noted above, the stories of a mythical demigod and bold, are only the vicissitudes of a man (undeserved?) Kissed by luck madam and preceded by an (often as one would say undeserved) reputation that surrounds him, often, paradoxically, makes it visible to its enemies like a fly in milk and makes his opponents play in attack and throw him, forcing him to bring home the victory scoring chance in a network often play out in plenty of time expired.
Tex is still a comic book and many interesting stories retain a certain charm, but the magnitude of the character is quite different from that of the same character written by Gianluigi or Sergio Bonelli, alias Nolitta.

The image is the cover of Tex giant number 280 Sergio Bonelli Editore ©


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