Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spotty Period Look Like

Leap of Faith

says that democracy is in danger.
Raped, threatened, absent.
I think, for that matter, that there has ever been.
"It a great word, whose history, I suppose, has not yet been written, because that story has yet to be implemented. "(Walt Whitman)
So we know what should be but we never implemented it.
Because when we think we can think of ancient Greece. There
yes there was. But it is obvious. Agora us down the individual citizen (Okay, there were no women and slaves, we will not cut the hair in two ...). Each first-person game. Many of the elections that took place were the prize draws.
see the difference?
to us is the representative mechanism that we care. Why are not "all equal".
not up to all politics.
We choose who represents us.
We simply choose those who agree. It would be more honest.
But over the centuries was not enough.
We must choose who is better than us.
you aware of idiocy? How many out there think that there is a better than himself? In the political sphere at least.
Then go with the ideology of choice: one not necessarily better than me, but my place is pursuing a shared ideal that makes us all better.
This compromise, play saved the Christian Democrats for almost fifty years.
Today there we are forgotten. Indeed, some people think it is smoke and mirrors and unnecessary complication.
Today, again, as the day before yesterday and a little 'always returns you to accept, reluctantly neck, the better is the strongest. O, the richest or most mafia, or the more sexually successful, or all together.
Only that this already is no longer the play of democracy and those who complain of not having most is the one who has already broken a long time.
The other thing that troubles me is that I should have known for some time.
It 'makes sense that if you put a "cross" on a symbol of what you're doing is an "act of faith."
It 'so obvious that you miss. But it is so.
That's what the ideology.
The fact is that today we all complain that you can not make "political debate" without throwing in uproar. What you can not know the historical truth of anything, because everything is just a personal attack and so. That not even know the numbers. How many people has a place to vote in as many costs as a so-called public works to how long a contract. ...
was already like that before.
I do not want to believe, but it was already done.
Però, porco cane, c’era un ideale dietro. O forse non c’era, ma sembrava che ci fosse davvero.
E siccome io (come voi) non posso scegliere sulla base di dati oggettivi, io l’ideale lo rivoglio. Perché, anche se non è cosa concreta, io di quello posso chiederti conto.
Non posso sceglierti perché sei ricco, strafottente, trapiantato, pieno di te.
Non posso sceglierti neanche perché non sei nulla di quanto sopra e sei semplicemente contro quello che non riesci ad essere a tua volta.
Coerentemente non dovrei scegliere e quindi votare.
Ma essere credenti o meno è genetica più imponderabile.
E quanto lo sei has become irreversible. So do not
tapper Montanelli as the nose, but I'll do my "leap of faith", all in lower case, because here God has little or nothing.
enter it because we get closer to Easter, and as someone has already written, one thing we all hope.
you return to put the thief on the cross and the cross on the robbers.


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