Saturday, October 31, 2009

Navy Retirement Tax Withholding


The first stab hits you in your profession when you realize that the "patient" in front of you can receive useful to you only twenty euro.

The second shot that rips the ominicchio'd never wanted to be: when you find yourself thinking that giving money instead of drugs can "finally" to shame and take it away forever.

This is the crisis: the economic one that brings a human being once man to pretend to be sick in the hope of pulling up qualcosa per finire il mese.

Ma su questa l’Italia sta reagendo bene: ce lo stiamo raccontando da mesi quanto siamo bravi.

La vera crisi è un’altra: la mia quando scopro, pur sapendolo già, che a fianco dei valori alti che sostieni galoppa l’istinto di sopravvivenza. Ed è così forte da rendere il tuo agire morale un agire e basta, purchè sia accettabile e non disonesto.

Sulla crisi nei Valori l’Italia sta abbastanza visibilmente andando a fondo.

Ma non me ne frega nulla di dire su Berlusconi e Marrazzo e con Values \u200b\u200bdo not mean the grammar DiPietro. That "cumannari" and "futtiri" are closely related to mica him to say Montalbano. Sexuality and power go hand in hand since Eve instead of Adam was born from the side of his rib in the Bible translations. And ribs in rib came to those mutilated obscene (and perhaps legendary) D'Annunzio (one of the most scabrous gossip of my middle school ...). Healthy sexuality, comprehensive, forgive the crudeness, but that is not teodem biology, leading to reproduction. Passing pleasure, wonderful stage, but connected with the perpetuation of the species. An honest politician and ages (as of today it seems an oxymoron) is devoted to the interest of the country and its people. Turning to personal interests, a stage very rewarding, but compensatory sacrifice that a politician is to dedicate oneself to another.

This theory is so sickening, absolutely, apparently moralist. The reality is that we have political fetishists from sexual immaturity. Count the party (political and sexual) for the whole. We stop at the pleasure and interest without ever coming to the Act and interest. Our politicians are so often. There are more males than females, since the genital sexual perversion is more common in males. But even the females, whose perversion sessuale è di ruolo ( Louise Kaplan docet), Non solo per le ministre sottomesse al premier. Anche “le più intelligenti che belle” in politica sono espressione di un orgoglio post-femminista che le rende comunque personaggi caricaturali.

Non sono questi i Valori che difettano all’Italia. A quelli ha già abdicato e comunque si tratta poi “solo” di politica. E’ la vita di tutti i giorni che fa male: ragazzini che sparano per strada a Torino per gioco, i cui genitori non esistono, quartieri di Napoli dove si scavalca il cadavere a terra con le borse della spesa.

E’ un problema geograficamente well spread over the entire boot, including islands. And across all levels of society.

And yet in me that I write when I find myself acting out of anger, however well motivated, as I wrote at the top of this post.

The impact with the surface peels consciences, but the fruit rots from the inside without hope.


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