Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hawaiian Translate Please

Stuck in anything between Bonnyrigg and Kabu Abbas

A tail due to a minor car accident, or more probably the work being done on that stretch of road. Here, as I I'm going ahead with reassuring to work, finally the green wave realizes that there are problems on the roads in Sardinia. We who travel daily we already knew, but we want to put the experience in relation to indirect sources? Clearly it can not be the same. Okay, in the meantime, fortunately, the report arrived, it just happens to be the trait that I am going to go, then decide what appropriate for a simple diversion. It is not the first time, however, that treatment is indicated, the code between "Bonnyrigg" and "Floriànas in the opposite direction are frequent, probably because these women sardines all named" Floriana "attract hordes of tourists in order to inflame passion island , while a "dark town" named Florinas is much less attractive to evoke. But what's interesting to me is the way they are pronounced two words: "Kabu Abbas," the beginning (or end) engorgement.
Now, the place mentioned by name Cabu Abbas, read "Cabu Abbas", which is not counterintuitive means "head of water" is an area rich in water, so much so that the strap Nuragic "Santu Doors "that is, contains an ancient holy well (and the palace with his well represent one of the most famous and beautiful monuments nuragici island) and is an area also rich in cultural relics of ancient and interesting. But to hear her say "Kabu Abbas" brings to mind an exotic location in the Middle East, or more likely an oasis located nel bel mezzo del Sahara, con le danzatrici del ventre, l'attraversamento del deserto a dorso di cammello eccetera. E nel momento in cui mi fermo ugualmente nonostante la deviazione, visto che altri come me hanno avuto l'idea di prendere una strada secondaria, mi fermo dicevo sapendo già che arriverò al lavoro appena in tempo, ecco che nella nebbia mattutina prendono vita le ombre della mitica oasi di Kabù Abbàs: mi vedo già cogliere i datteri e prendere il té del deserto, oltre naturalmente a cercare di procurarmi più cammelli possibile per poter acquistare una moglie bellissima o magari un paio di mogli, perché no? In fondo mi si addice la vita libera e selvaggia, cadrebbe ogni ipocrisia ed ogni "belletto comportamentale" imposed by the so-called Western civilization, and I like the others fled dall'ingorgo could live according to the inclinations of my heart. But here's an article
honking me back to reality, the queue moved and soon I'll be at work. Look for the future that the "CIS travel information" followed talking about places like "Macon" in the province of Nuoro, wrong again, all the accents, but objectively it seems impossible that he may again evoke an exotic place and looking like the mythical oasis Kabu Abbas, a place quite different from that in which the return pass without notice or the Nuraghe nor the church of Our Lady of Cabu Abbas. And now if you look after me I will not tardi, tardissimo.

L'immagine proviene dal sito artvex


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