Monday, December 29, 2008

Merging One Face Onto Another Body

"Primo: vai indietro di un paio di passi e, letteralmente, CACATI IN FACCIA!" (Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder , 2008)

Insomma a fine anno è tempo di fare gli auguri e di liberarsi di sassolini nelle scarpe. Pertanto oggi comincio con due personaggi a cui auguro vivamente di CACARSI IN FACCIA per loro recenti vicissitudini.
Il primo è proprio chi pronuncia la frase nel film, ovvero Tom Cruise. L'idiota sosterrebbe di essere oggetto di minacce di morte . If it would be laughable. A spokesman for one of the seven most obscurantist that exist, which preaches to attack those who attack you, make the dead agent, antipsychiatric clearly fears that the unbalanced one can do any harm? A man who in 2004 allocates $ 2.5 million to his followers not pay enough of the useless security guards?
The second is the evil genius of Giovanni Allevi who complains that the classical music world is sick . The problem is that it could be true. But that world with him non c'entra nulla. Ti hanno invitato a suonare al Senato? Questo ti qualificherebbe come giovane compositore classico moderno, simbolo dell'Italia nel mondo? Il maestro Uto Ughi ti lancia un "descansate niño" e tu rispondi piccato?
La verità è una sola: la musica di Allevi prima che definirsi o meno classica è inappellabilmente mediocre. E la supponenza di tale "artifex" non fa che accrescere il divario tra ciò che nominalmente viene proclamato e quello che nei fatti si ascolta: un coacervo di note banali, tecnicismi che vorrebbero essere virtuosismi, esercizietti da quaderno di solfeggio aspiranti a capolavori immortali.
Per ora mi fermo qui. La lista could be longer.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Future Honda Prelude Plans


... TOGETHER WITH A NANO deflection, a Cocker Spaniel and a bearded woman, WITH A BUNCH OF CARDS TRICKS, MAIL AND INFINITE a completely dark room!
The phrase is from Dylan Dog 269, took off from the mouth of Groucho. However, I feel pregnant, tomwaitsiana essence, by digestion postnatalizia in substance.
is deeply representative of the absurdity of the theater when Earth is inspired by a divine goodness that is not its responsibility. And cracks in the memories of Christmas dinners in the family album. Leaving reveal how it is feeling more true for the man the envy of forgiveness, the bondage of self that la libertà dell'altro.
E farsi male laddove parrebbe esserci nient'altro che morbido, calore ed umano affetto. Che dell'Amore è imitazione, introvabile persino sui banchi del famigerato mercato intemeliese.
E dove l'unico ricordo non filtrato da sovrastrutture sia quello di un nonno, novantenne e conseguentemente demente, che ancora e di nuovo teme di non svegliarsi a tempo la mattina per andare alle scuole di Mirafiori.
Buon carnaio natalizio a tutti e buone speranze. Senza filtro, s'intende.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Steel Seal Head Gasket Sealer

Drink: infinite Wait

Stavolta la frase è mia, e dall'alito si sente.
Chi il vino lo ama con passione lo beve, chi lo teme come una gran signora lo degusta. Poi, come per parlar di donne nell'intervallo della partita, a volte ne scrive. Io non ne so scrivere, al parlar DI donne ho sempre preferito parlar CON donne. Ma ci sono dialoghi che ti prendono una vita, come bicchieri di cui non intravedi mai il fondo.
E ieri sera, tra amici e qualche coraggiosa signora abbiam parlato di senso della vita, cercando di dare una sequenza a delle bottiglie di barbera.
La barbera, rigorosamente femmina, e madama piemontese alla stregua della Josephine (Rouge) in basso a sinistra nella foto.
Bassino (per quel che ricordo, neppure l'anno, Asti), Autari 2003 (Oltrepò Pavese, betrayal short), Canary Frem 2003 (Asti), The Enthusiasm Baretta 2001 (Asti higher), and children Cossetti Clemente (Nice, but you are lost a year and I think it was maderized), La Carlotta Arbiola 2001 ( Asti), "Ru" 2000 (Nice, even for me too), Pescaja Soliter 2004 (Asti, which will be a bit 'a wine built, but to me I like it very much).
Then we sdata with a barricaded do not remember, and turned on with sweet Brachetto d'Acqui, mulled wine fresh, Josephine above, pulled a trip Barros Vintage Port 2000, struck down any ambition to survive with grappa Nebbiolo. To seal the night as a comfort Prus Martin at will. And if you've never eaten plague seize you.
not I can tell you great things. I'm not capable. But I felt alive, I breathed I know land, I love and I did it in good company.

"It must needs confess
Barbera is a good liquor
blood in the veins
instills and maintains good humor.
La Barbera liveliest
made the young man in the country
more robust and more the forest ' man made.
Viva therefore Barbera
live forever his liquor. "

"the wine Barbera Giuseppe Cotti (1866)

Friday, December 5, 2008

If My Dog Humps Me Should I Let Him Finish?

live verb: infinitive of the verb to love

The title is Don Tonino Bello .
With "utility theory 'HOLD" means the hypothesis that the utility of an agent under conditions of uncertainty can be calculated as a weighted average of the utilities in each state as possible, using as weights the probabilities of occurrence of individual states as estimated by the agent. It seems that the first to feel this way has been Bernoulli, the student spirit remembered for being the discoverer of the anal way with infertility (it seems that his name rhymes with "children").

circumstances as this is all true and in my head this all the same. In this season of Advent, sublimation of waiting, I realize that there exists and it is fundamental, a "utility theory 'of Expectation".
Someone once told me (or maybe I read it) that we bring children to be born nine months to allow time for parents to raise enough to accommodate them.
I fear is a profound truth. And I fear that even the donkeys, not to mention whales and elephants, as they have understood better man.
Wait is an exercise in Love (not amm0re) there is almost never enough. Means to have a hope. And tell me if you can live without having at least one.

"Your old men shall dream dreams" (says the prophet Joel 3.1)
That 's what dà una direzione ad un processo statico: invecchiando si marcisce se non si nutrono sogni.
La ricchezza di chi è anziano non è la memoria, ma la progettualità. A che serve ricordare se non si tramanda?
Attendere è la terra del sogno. Nel deserto del quotidiano è saper riconoscere la sabbia che Mr. Sandman ci ha posato sugli occhi.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Easton Stealth Softball Bats 2006

However ..

... a me la neve piaceva.
La sensazione post-atomica dei primi passi sul vialetto imbiancato.
Il grigio luminoso del cielo, nudo under a blanket, with one of the women I loved listening to Tom Waits (Small Change).

The smells, the moods, the colors do not.

Draw lines on skis, boots ultratecnici squeeze feet inside.
The bitter hot chocolate at the refuge.

The idea was going to get a Christmas, I liked it.

think if the two were expected birth.

Mah ..

Uh if I liked it ... However


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Leather Name Bracelets Disneyland

Keywords & IPTC: the importance of keywords

Introduction to keywords:
Before you load your image in various sales sites (microstocks), there is an important consideration: the title, description and keywords that you entered for each image will always be the same! Rather than using a text file or any other way to reuse these data temporarily, I'll describe directly the best solution: The IPTC field. It 'a field in each jpg image, editable through appropriate editor or through the usual graphics programs (eg Photoshop). By entering photo information directly into the IPTC, when loaded into microstocks the values \u200b\u200byou previously entered will be recognized automaticamente, facendovi risparmiare un enorme montagna di tempo!

L'importanza delle keywords:
Le keywords permettono all'acquirente di trovare le vostre immagini, quindi non è necessario evidenziare troppo quanto questo sia importante per i vostri introiti, basta semplicemente dire che le parole chiave sono importanti almeno quanto l'immagine in se. Perchè? I progettisti o gli editori non hanno ore di tempo da spendere per trovare l'immagine perfetta, per loro il tempo è denaro. Per questo motivo cercano un'immagine adatta il più rapidamente possibile.
Le probabilità che scelgano la prima immagine adatta al loro scopo è alta. Scegliendo le giuste parole chiave aumenterete la possibilità that your images are on top in search results: thus you will have more chances to sell. Upload a photo and enter only the minimum number of keywords required by microstock, is almost equivalent to not load at all the pictures!

Spam is counterproductive
After reading the previous paragraph, some might think it's a good idea to fill an image of keywords, although these are not related to the image itself. Wrong!
filling of your keywords an inappropriate image, the validation team photo will reject it without thinking twice! If this does not happen, but your picture is accepted, your sales not increase too! Why? The search for a buyer is always very specific, this means that if you go out pictures that are irrelevant, certainly not buy! For example: If you are looking for the image of a butterfly, and butterflies were out than others, the buyer will simply be frustrated. It is to consider that happiness is the happiness of the buyer microstocks, then the anti-spam measures on keywords are becoming more stringent. The only thing you risk if you could think of constantly spamming with keywords is a good ban (block or delete your account) from microstock!

Choosing keywords :
Per scegliere le giuste parole chiave, bisogna immaginare in che contesto l'acuirente potrebbe essere attratto dalla vostra foto. Se caricate per esempio la foto di una lampadina, dovete chiedervi perché l'acquirente dovrebbe ricercare la foto di una lampadina!

Perché cerca la foto di una lampadina -> parole chiave: lampadina, filamento, bulbo
Perché cerca una foto relativa alla luce -> parole chiave: luce, illuminare, luminosi, illuminazione
Perché cerca una foto che esprime l'inventiva o la creatività -> parole chiave: creare, immaginare, pensare, idea, immaginazione

Le parole chiave relative alla foto di una lampadina saranno dunque per esempio:
bulb filament, bulb, light, light, light, lighting, create, imagine, think, idea, imagination

Structure keywords:
The structure of the keywords is very important to define it is necessary to imagine how the people looking for pictures are used to choose their own keywords.

Use only names, verbs or adjectives
prefer the words in the singular
Put the verbs in the infinitive
careful spelling
Do not use abbreviations


Marriage, alliance, marriage, tenderness, faith, bouquet,
loyalty, ceremony, youth, happiness, family, hands

Never forget: The more well-chosen keywords to increase, the greater will be the sales !

Monday, January 21, 2008

Liver Cancer Iron On Transfer

not limit your sales online, using all microstock!

Re-reading the comments on the post sell-with-fotolia , comments by a photographer dissatisfied with the attempt to sell through a microstock with a set of 3 pictures, I feel in the mood to share the advice he data with all of you!

points I would emphasize that there are not many, but quite important.

not a good idea to start with a set limited to photographs, both big, both microstock secondary, are rich in images. There is always the possibility, however low, that your photographs are not accepted, although they are valid! In this case, the subject of the images is already abundantly present in the archives .. Upload many photographs, possibly of various kinds, there are more and more it will be accepted so the chances of selling will rise steadily.

If you have decided to undertake this business, as I and many like to call photographers selling their photos online, the biggest mistake you can commit is to decide to sell their images through a single site! Of course, the number of buyers for each microstock is huge, but you can multiply this number based on how many microstock decide to "exploit" for your business! Currently, cash and the big side I have listed in this blog, there are 16. Load the same set of images to 16 times it's tiring, I do not doubt it, but with a little practice you do not weigh that much! 16, to think of it, could be a number high enough for those who now have only one account. If this is your case, dear reader, I strongly recommend you try to register at least 3 big (eg Fotolia 123rf, Dreamstime) and at least two secondary, just to get started. You'll notice the difference very soon!
As soon as I get a little more time to put out the differences between the various microstock detailed in a summary table.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


3 things to check before you upload an image

Before loading the images, ensuring that they have the best quality that you are able to produce. By that I mean to closely examine your images to avoid problems such as dust, overexposure, poor composition, distracting the buyer and / or the person who will validate your image because of these "details", removing their eyes from the brigade main subject .

Sure, you lose a few minutes to correct these problems with a program like Photoshop or Lightroom, but do not see your image rejected, or worse, accepted but never sold! And 'obviously counterproductive to deliver a job is not finished!

The main things to check are 3: 1

. The points of dust / noise

is probably the most boring thing to look for, but also one of the easiest to fix.

After opening the image with your editing software (Photoshop is excellent), you have to do is move around and zoom the image to check it carefully. When in zoom mode, a useful key shortcuts in Photoshop is the space bar: taking button, you can move quickly using the mouse, the cursor which will have the classic shape of the hand.

If you come across a dusty point ", use the healing brush tool to solve the problem. Selecting the tool, you set the brush size to a diameter sufficient to cover the noise.
In Photoshop, press the Alt key and click in an area that has the same good image color and tone of the area you want to correct. Release the Alt key and now click on the point to be corrected. Simple, right?! There will certainly be helpful to take a little practice to get used to using this tool and understand how it works, but believe me, it was a great friend for photographers!

In Lightroom, the instrument operates in a similar way except that it is not necessary to press the Alt key Just click on the field you want to correct and you will see a circle that you can drag in a good area of \u200b\u200bthe photo.

2. Composition poor (poor composition)

This is not as easy to solve on the computer! If the original composition is really wrong, then there is nothing that can help you. If the subject is just a little 'out there or something that distracts the attention, the crop tool can be used to cut away something you do not want in order to improve the composition. This may seem trivial, but it is not. You can also use the crop tool to correct the problem of slope horizon.

It 'pretty easy to do. You must select the crop tool, drag a box around your image and then use the 'hooks' on the corners of the box to resize it at will. Moving the cursor a bit 'out of the corners of the box it will change slightly. Now, clicking and dragging the mouse you can rotate the selection, so you can correct the problem horizon pending. Press ENTER, the cut will be applied.

A little advice: try to use this tool to make small clippings on the edge of your image. The online sales sites of your photos impose minimum requirements on the size of the pictures above, and if they cut off too large a portion, you might see your photo rejected ... therefore, do not overdo it!

3. strong light and shadows (shadows and hilights)

A very simple way to correct lighting and shadows is to control levels, the histogram to speak, of your image and make sure you have a good spread from true black to true white. If your histogram is towards one end, then you must make some corrections. By changing the levels correct to a certain extent that is not good. Obviously you can not fix everything perfectly, but make sure that every image has histogram levels well distributed, to show the right shades ranging from white to black.

Here we are. Three simple things to check before sending your image. None of these processes take a long time to complete, and if you find that each image presents them, is certainly the case with acuisizione adjust how the image (click). This will help you avoid wasting time in front of the computer.

Do you have other tips like these? What tools do you use more when preparing your images? Let me know. I'd like to create another post with useful tips dare, e creare qualche pagina da stampare e appendere vicino il monitor del computer!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nip/tuck Christian Gay

How to sell your photos on Dreamstime

Info & numeri :
Dreamstime è uno dei principali siti di vendita foto (microstock), agenzia che lavora duramente per rimanere in alto, grazie alle proprie idee innovative. Nacque come negozio di CD royalty free nel 2000, ma nel 2004 divenne una community. Nonostante sia relativamente lenta delle vendite, sembra che il suo successo sia collegato a l'elevato tasso di commissione. Attualmente Dreamstime può contare sulla bellezza di oltre 2.000.000 di foto, 485.000 utenti registrati dui cui 27.000 fotografi.

Soggetti richiesti e tendenze: About
are the same subjects required by fotolia , albeit with a more detailed analysis we can see the differences. Photographs are required:

backgrounds, Blurs, colors, contest, crafts, danger, exploration, fun, love, luxury, peace, global, power, purity, religion, seasonal and holiday, security, sport , stress, success, teamwork, textures
birds, farms, insects, mammals, marine life, pets, reptiles and amphibians, rodents
Art and Architecture:
details, generic architecture, historic buildings, houses, interiors , urban, buildings moderni, scene notturne, all'aperto, antiche rovine, luoghi di lavoro
generato dal computer, artistico, illustrazioni generali
connettività, attrezzature, internet, networking
abbigliamento e accessori, elettronica, cose di casa, isolati, musica e suono, retrò, sport, natura morta, strumenti, giocattoli
Computer, connessioni, Elettronica, Altro, Retrò, Telecomunicazioni
Africa, America, Antartide, Arte e architettura, Asia, Australia, cucina, valute, Europa, bandiere, resorts, tropicale

Tipi di immagini e requisiti:
Photos must be in JPEG - RGB, minimum resolution: 3 megapixels
Vector images are accepted the first shipment is due in JPEG format, after the first vector image is accepted, you can send in format: ai, cdr eps
Obviously the photos must be free of noise, compression or interpolation, and any artifact

Uploading images:
For Dreamstime the process is simple. Just log into your account, go to the "photographers area" and click "upload files". Then, choosing the file via the Browse button and clicking Upload, you're done! In the case of an upload massive pictures, you can upload them via ftp. However the upload is done, for each photo must submit a title, a possible description, keywords and categories, except in the event that you will use KeyMasters selecting the loading of the photo.

KeyMasters program:
This is a very interesting service offered by Dreamstime! This program allows you to upload your images without having to enter the information referred to earlier (title, description, keywords, categories). This tedious task will be completed by a team member KeyMasters! This service has a cost, however. For each photo you will be deducted immediately from your account $ 0.40, a fair price considering the stress that creates the input of these data on a large number of photos! For photos that will not be accepted by Dreamstime, this figure will be Return used.

Compensation Photographer:
For each sale, the photographer receives a 50% share based on sales price. If you mark the option royalty free, or does it give the image rights, the basic fee will increase to 60%, with an additional bonus of $ 0.20 for each photo exclusive approved. Considering the additional bonuses based on sales statistics, the actual compensation exceed 80% of the selling price. According to a recent study of PDN Magazine, Dreamstime is seems to be confirmed that the agency that ensures the highest compensation to photographers.

Types of payment:
As soon as you exceed the $ 100, you can request the issuance of the payment fill this form in the "Management area". The three forms of payment are:
- bank, which can be cashed in any local bank
- Paypal
- MoneyBookers

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