Monday, January 31, 2011

Peripheral Artery Disease More Condition_symptoms

"Cords brother" zucchini and salmon, flavored with dill

Happy Monday everyone!
How are you? I am ....
raffreddatissima etcììì!
Last night I lay down very early, packed with acetaminophen to prevent fever, but the bones were broken and they are also sincerely this morning ... runny nose, headache, sore throat ... oh yes, I just got right in! It must have been the raid on Saturday at Macef with Ely? Maybe those changes in temperature and out of the various pavilions ... mah!
E 'was still a wonderful experience, I have seen wonderful things ... plates, cups, pots and accessories of all kinds, colors, patterns and most efficient ... is it really worth it, and if this cost me a cold ... well, patience, come on!

Return to us ... and my kitchen clumsy.
This dish we liked it so much ... it is really very delicate taste, made use scented anise (I had never used before!) And with the addition of pine nuts, even crunchy. I wanted to use this
Mugnaia of my beloved pasta, perfectly suited to this type of seasoning, soft and comfortable (if not I think may work well for normal Bucatini pasta ... but this is special). The result has been a delight.

Here's how I did:

Ingredients: 1 box of pasta
"Weld brother" of Miller Elice
a slice of fresh salmon without skin or bones of about 200-250 grams
a nice big zucchini
handful of pine nuts a little bit of white onion, finely chopped olive oil

dill salt pepper a pinch (About half a teaspoon for me!)
1 tablespoon of sour cream to whip

Preparation: In a wok
put together the olive oil to sauté onion chopped finely, and just let it brown. At this point, cut into julienne zucchini (chopped not too fine, otherwise I recommend then break up, and in this case must rimenere beautiful crisp) and add them, making them jump to well about 6-7 minutes on medium heat, salt and pepando
taste Combine the chopped salmon, flavored with dill seed crushed slightly and continue cooking for several minutes, taking care not to attack the whole.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in salted water, once cooked, add the sauce in the wok, stir in the sour cream (and if necessary with a few tablespoons of cooking water for pasta) for a few minutes over high heat, and once ready, Sprinkle the surface with a pinch of pine nuts.
Here it is .....

A delicate dish, but at the same time substantial, as there is fish and vegetables ... with a nice salad and a fruit you have solved a lunch or dinner!
And it's really fast to do ... which is good, right?!

Now I greet you, I'll attend to some little things I have neglected these days, including the .... uh ... ferro da stiro, mio fedele amico e compagno di scorribande, eheheheh!
Voi che fate di bello???
Buona giornata!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cubefield On Facebook Tips

fried barley, radicchio and shrimp

Ieri...che splendida giornata!!! Un bel sole...beh, caldo direi di almeno allegro...una bella luce in casa, nel cuore, tanta voglia di fare!
Mi sono messa a fare un bel pò di ordine nelle varie cose accumulate in giro per casa in questi giorni, la mia voglia di pulizia e di nuovo mi led to free up some of the superfluous and feel so much better ... look around and see how nice space, clean air!
.... Then yesterday I got to know the sweet Pippi ... finally we hear the phone ... just got to talk Thee, dear and discover once again that there are so many similarities between us ... thanks for everything you've got a big heart!
And what about Tuesday afternoon? That's great, a wonderful tour to Milan, where I finally was able to meet my dear Ely Calvé during the event of which I had spoken, that the IPC was held in Milan for the note.
very nice ... along with many other bloggers like us, I had the pleasure of meeting, we had fun listening to the funny gags Katia Follesa, finding that the mayonnaise is good, versatile, does not hurt and helps prepare plates of brownies supersfiziosi ... even to scream! We also tasted a splendid buffet many delicious snacks and dishes prepared with the help of the legendary salsa (which I adored, however ... but every now and then, alas, saw the band ... diet!)
You can see and Read something more going on nice new site dedicated to Calvé mayonnaise, where you'll find many delicious ideas, original and fun!
.... But back to us during our foray in Milan and I have bought up by Coin Ely house, yes, there were saldiiiii ... and we give away these beautiful pans oven dish or two to ... head ... of course I immediately wanted me to baptize with this recipe, view Alice in February, but I modified using barley instead of pasta and then baked in a casserole.
I thought it would be ideal to attend the gathering of Imma, a collection that excites me and not a little ... I love all kinds of casserole, siiiiiiiiiiii!!

Allora partiamo subito con gli ingredienti:

per 2 pirofiline
100 gr orzo perlato
olio extravergine d'oliva
sale pepe
1 piccolo cespo di radicchio rosso lungo
50 gr di dadini di emmenthal
100 gr gamberetti surgelati
uno spicchio d'aglio
mezzo bicchiere scarso di vino bianco

Ho mondato il radicchio, l'ho ben lavato e asciugato con cartada cucina e poi l'ho fatto a pezzettini.
Ho sbollentato i gamberetti qualche minuto in una pentolina con acqua e sale, li ho scolati e lasciati raffreddare.
In una padella ho scaldato qualche cucchiaio d'olio e ci ho aggiunto lo clove of garlic, I cook a few minutes and I deleted before it became dark.
I joined the radicchio and I did it simmer for about ten minutes, then I added the shrimp and have faded with white wine, well, raising the heat to evaporate the alcohol. I
salt, pepper and cooked on high heat to restrict the sauce formed ....
... in the meantime I boiled barley in boiling salted water, cooked (slightly al dente left) and implemented by skipping the pan with sauce.
At this point I have the slightly oiled oven dish, I've been lying so barley dressed and put on the surface of the small cubes of Emmenthal to create a nice streamlined gratin, place in oven at 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes (at the top) to melt slightly and gratin all ... and voila!
What do you think?

There seem appetizing??

Now I leave, wishing you a wonderful day ... it's raining and cold here this morning, Ugh ... the sun of yesterday seems to have forgotten ... oh well!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Play Pokemon Soul Silver For Free

Chicken thighs with bacon and zucchini

Today I am a bit of travel. These days are taken by many things ... my husband is not there and I found myself alone to attend to the important tasks that have deadlines later this month.
And today I'll move in that di Milano Calvé for an event at which they were invited bloggers, including me ...
.... some of you participate? Would be nice to meet and know ...

Back to us now is the recipe was a pleasant surprise. In my house the chicken legs like crazy ... I often find myself preparing them, but it is not easy to find a variant usual method of roasting or frying pan! Leafing through this book
here (soon to "reviewed by me" on page Cookbooks in my kitchen ... ... by the way, do you like? What do you think?) Christmas present from husband and daughter, I found this ideuzza ... the original recipe calls for baking, but I preferred the pan (in my case this of Ballarini) faster.
The thighs have remained very soft, tasty and saucer appeared cheerful and colorful as you can see from the picture! A variation on simple, but effective and safe choice, believe me!

Here's how I did:

Ingredients: 3 time
100 grams of bacon, sliced \u200b\u200b
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
half cup dry white wine
rosemary to taste (for me a bit of the dry Mondospezie )
salt and pepper For the boundary
2 beautiful large zucchini 2 tablespoons extra virgin
salt and pepper

Preparation: I
removing the skin of chicken thighs and I seasoned with salt, pepper and dried rosemary. Gradually, I wrapped in bacon and put them in a pan just oiled finish with this ... it really just a spoon.

I shaded with white wine and turned up the heat to evaporate it well, then I cooked over medium heat, turning them every so for about a half hour, three-quarters of an hour.
In another pan I put the oil, wash the zucchini, peeled and cut into small cubes and tossed it for 8-10 minutes and season with salt and pepper, and add a pinch of dried rosemary. During
cooking the thighs, the belly has taken on a beautiful golden brown and crispy, so ...

Serve by placing the chicken legs well hot and crispy on a bed of courgettes ... the great thing is that the outside is crispy, but the inside soft and tasty!
The book, in the section on recommendations, says that all white meat and lean meat can be cooked in this way, because the bacon used to wrap the meat, the fat melts during cooking, tasteless and softening.

I can only wish you .... Enjoy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poptropica The Tablet Of God

Scarves! Cookies

.... I fell in love with wool pom pom (which is !)... I realized how many chenille scarves, some of them presents at Christmas!
I really like knitted, it relaxes me crazy, even a scarf I can in these few hours, maybe in a week watching television or on the couch ...
These will be aimed at friends' birthdays and anniversaries .... for many, hoping to appease them.
And what do you think, I like the colors? Which one?

I'm still very clumsy with regard to finish, but slowly into account to improve ... A
those interested in learning how to work this fabulous wool / chenille result from the soft, soft and warm ... just look here!

Good Sunday to all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poptropica The Tablet Of Gods

the "cabbage" ... lemon and polenta

Ugh, here become colder, the weather not improving ... a terrible fog it has hosted several mornings, accompanied by a freezing cold! Ebbasta ..... I want the sun!
The sun makes me happy, joy of life ... this time in the morning here, in my house seem so zombies walking, eheheheheh ... who does not want to go to school ... who snorts thinking about the conference who did not work ... want to do the cleaning up ... ... but there you have to do everything, and then ...
Sorry for the digression, but this morning ..... runs like this ...

back to us today ... I wanted to post these wonderful cookies I made for my Christmas gifts, and also for us to munch on that .... so good!
The recipe comes with a fresh fresh from the wonderful Book of Sigrid ( ah, what the supreme desire to write a book and become as good as you are autoregalata ......), me for Christmas and where I got already different ideas greedy.
It 's a book very well explained, with simple recipes and feasible, the result is always perfect ... and if he says it as a clumsy me, trust me!
And I have to open a parenthesis here ... and I would ask you ... (come on, do a mini poll ... eheheheheh!) .. What is your "vice" the applicant?
Well, lately my cookery books are ... I'm buying some really many (perhaps too many ...?!!??... no, never have too many!) .. My husband starts to me strange questions because he finds them almost everywhere, even in the bathroom (well, I read it there too!) and sincerely space to store them has diminished drastically ... But I can not live without!
I decided that I will take a month, but how do you put a limit, I say, how faaaaa??! Sigh!
Tell me ... is the same for you?
That's why I decided a good thing ... now I want to share with you my cookbooks ... I thought I'd create a page where you will post the books I have at home, with a short description and my comment ...
What do you think?

Biscuits with lemon and polenta

Dedicated to those who love the lemon ... and it feels really are delicious, crisp and delicious!

Ingredients: 300 gr
150 g corn flour (for me foil Molino Rossetto )

200 g butter 150 g sugar 4 egg yolks
a pinch
of salt grated rind of two lemons biological

with electric whips I beat butter with sugar and grated lemon zest, so you get a nice thick cream-colored. I've incorporated the egg yolks, one at a time, always with the mixer in action, and gradually I added the flour, mixed together with a pinch of salt.
I briefly mixed by hand, forming a nice ball, and wrapped in plastic wrap, I left it in the fridge to rest for half an hour.
I stretched the dough to a thickness of about half cemtimetro (more or less ...), with a stencil I cut out the biscuits, I put them on a baking sheet and have them cooked at 200 degrees for ten minutes (I used the fan), but keep an eye on, because they have browned slightly, otherwise they become too hard then, once cooled.
To me, as Sigrid, they became almost fifty ... then depends on the size of the stencil used.

At this point, pending the establishment of the new page ... (now I can not I just run away) ... I leave you to your daily chores ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Simplest Camera For Grandmother

Pastry stuffed with broccoli and 5 cereals, nuts and cooked Sunday

There are nights when I really have no desire to cooking.
Well? Some bloggers say ... a kitchen that did not feel like cooking?!
Yes, of course ... even if the blogger is human ... it's normal, eheheheheh!
I spent all last week (and I must say this did not start in the best possible way, sigh ...) with my usual extreme pain to the neck, right arm extended and the head ... the only thing that I wanted to do was lounging on the couch or in bed, but you know ... it is not possible and so must attend to the normal chores equally, without any exception to the rule.
understand then that the idea to put the kitchen to create something imaginative and fanciful ... well, I would say that really was the last of my thoughts.
Husband e figlia però non sanno nemmeno cucinare un uovo al tegamino, quindi, se non si voleva sopravvivere a base di pezzi di formaggio e/o affettato e pizze della pizzeria,beh....bisognava rimboccarsi le maniche ed inventar su qualcosa, ahahah!!
Ci credete che questa sfogliata di pasta matta si prepara quasi da sola? Adesso vi spiego come ho fatto...poi provateci anche voi e ditemi che ve ne pare!!!!!!!

250 gr ricotta
100 gr farina 00
2 tablespoons soybean oil, salt, pepper
1 large green broccoli florets made
80 grams of diced ham pieces of
emmenthal qb
walnuts to taste olive oil

do in the broccoli florets and boil for about 5 minutes in boiling salted water (I do to lighten it a little!).
Take a good non-stick pan put a little olive oil and brown the tops, along with diced ham, salt and pepper to taste. Once cooked, let cool and prepare for mad dough.
I used the Thermomix, you can use a standard food processor, or un'impastatrice or even our holy hands ... so the kids in the blink of an eye will be able to get this dough rounder!
So, I have done so: in the Thermomix I put the ricotta, flour, a pinch of salt and soybean oil; I vel.6 activated 1 minute, and here's this beautiful pasta obtained the same procedure ... with the robot or the mixer, if you do it by hand, knead all ingredients quickly and form a nice elastic ball.
Divide the ball of dough into two equal parts, roll out the first with a rolling pin to give a thickness of about half a centimeter.
Roll su una teglia (meglio lasciare sotto un foglio di carta forno) la base di ho cotto la mia sfogliata nel microonde con la funzione Crisp, e quindi ho utilizzato il piatto apposito, ma si può cuocere tranquillamente in forno, quindi utilizzate uno stampo rotondo da pizza che va benone.
Riempitela con i broccoletti e i dadini di prosciutto, gherigli di noce e pezzetti di emmenthal a volontà (penso che anche qualsiasi altro formaggio vada ne avete da riciclare, questa è la ricetta che fa per voi!)

...poi Spread the other half of dough and cover everything, sealing the edges well.
Practice in the cutting surface with a sharp knife, brush with soy oil and bake ....

function in microwave cooking with Crisp special dish, cooking time 15 minutes;
in the oven, fan-assisted mode to 200 degrees, cooking time 20 minutes, check that it does not dry and tomatoes too.

In a jiffy we ate ... and welcome!
I will try other fillings
... this mad dough lends itself very well to creamy fillings, and invented there and then, when it comes to having to recycle something in the fridge ... what do you think?

Forgive my not very good photos .... my digital camera, this light does what it can not exist ...
I leave and I wish you a beautiful day here ... there is a fog that is cut with a knife!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nubiles Online A Full

A relaxing break ...

In these days the cold, at least over here in the north, came back to lord it ... so it's nice to be able to carve out a moment of tranquility maybe its the weekend, squatting on the sofa in the company of a good book and a fleece cover, to relax a bit!
And why not .. maybe with a nice side dish with something to crunch and delicious, what do you think?
Well, then this post is really for you.
It 'been a while that I neglect my rubrichetta of books read, and I apologize ... just because I had several crafts to do ahead of festivals and that I was a little distracted by reading my neck ... just came back strongly to the fore, and then after a while that I wear to bed to read, I hurt my neck ...
Today, however, I want to offer this book in the library now taken a long long time ago that I liked and I've read in a flash:

A book highly "feminine", where the friendship between women is king ... but where sometimes there are secrets, maybe difficult to admit that threaten to derail everything.

Everyone has secrets and Cornelia Brown, against his will, is about to discover to his cost. Typical city girl, is the first to be surprised when, after spending years New York, decided to leave behind the worldly life and the skyscrapers and moved with her husband in a suburb of Philadelphia. But weaving new friends is not an easy undertaking. From The acceptance that reserves his new blond neighbor Piper. Perfect manicure, clothes clean and obsessive perfection, never misses a chance to hear Cornelia completely inadequate, and in order to be unbearable. Fortunately, there is Lake, single mother with brilliant blue eyes and wild hair, arrived in town recently for a special school to enroll her son Dev, a fourteen-than-normal intelligence.

But both Piper Lake of the secrets that hide, like everyone, in fact. Little white lies, monumental castles, but also stories that are not willing to confess. Like a forbidden passion that threatens to upset the balance of life. Or an episode of the past that can no longer be ignored. When these secrets begin to surface, his friendship with Cornelia is to help the three women to protect their dearest affections.

Review site Ed.Piemme

Beautiful, exciting, not heavy ... you can make a company on a day like this!

is an idea to nibble?

Here it is .... a tasty snacks, easy and quick to do, but believe me ... in a jiffy you'll find the empty plate, one after another brush them there, eheheheh!

.. how did we do it? (Yes, I helped my daughter, who is to prepare them to eat them ...)
takes two sheets of puff pastry to a rectangular shape and pitted olives (we used green ones, but also go well, the black ... )
We rolled out the first sheet of pastry on a baking tray covered with baking paper ... we have put on it the chopped olives and had a bella pressione con le mani per farle ben aderire....poi vi abbiamo adagiato sopra l'altro foglio di sfoglia, con le mani abbiamo ben premuto e con la rotella tagliapasta (potete sbizzarrirvi anche con degli stampini di varie forme!) abbiamo creato delle strisce.
Successivamente le abbiamo tagliate in vari pezzi e arrotolate un pochino a mò di farfallina, così:

..nel frattempo abbiamo pre-riscaldato il  forno a 180° e poi infornate per circa una decina- quindicina di minuti con la funzione ventilata...
Appena si sono we are golden and puffed the oven, let cool, and ... voila!
What do you think?
It can be done?

... so ... good afternoon, good Sunday and good relaxation ...!!!!!!!!