Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unblock Websense Enterprise


Tempo di fine, tempo di bilanci.
Una cosa che già nel nome evoca equilibrio. Direi che appunto é quello che mi manca. Sì, non é che sia fuori [peraltro ho sempre detestato la figura dello psichiatra che gioca a fare o é un paziente], però ci sono momenti come questo in cui davvero si ha l'impressione che "l'impresa eccezionale é essere normale".
Una cosa sola é in me costante: l'inquietudine.
Che non é la curiosità, moto positivo e progressista. Non é irrequietezza, moto afinalistico e patologico. Non é tedio, non moto funereo.
It 's something different and unfortunately tearing smoldering beneath the surface. That held down, you think is anxiety even when you think you have no special fears. Instead it is your original sin, your manufacturing defect. Trying to present as a value, as in beauty, in disturbing detail how the work of Gothic art. And you know you will not have much peace. Because it keeps you alive.
Therefore, the budget does not matter to me that it is good [and surely it is], but what matters is that you can not close.
Greetings to everyone out there in the real world.
And since New Year's Day always feels Lucio Dalla I will put what you do not listen to the radio

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Is Your Cm Like Before Menstration

A year slipped away

Questo per dirvi che questo blog non ha mai chiuso, diciamo che si é distratto un po'.
Si é preso una pausa per scivolare via senza andarsene, per citare impropriamente il caro Vinicio.
Se volete davvero sapere in quale bar mi potete trovare ultimamente vi conviene cercarmi qui .

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Mac

How long and how many events

After a very long time I decided to pick up the thread of my thoughts on this space. So much has happened and it is difficult to summarize here what has changed and what is left. And I speak not only of interest in the cartomagia or mental, that have opened up again burst into my life, "forcing" to return to school and putting in motion the wheels of my brain, and not only of the "fatigue" and I have little confidence that nurtured in recent months in all respects. And even what seems impossible that he shared the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding space on the web about a topic, which at the time seemed interesting and lightweight, and others who have lived as a very strong mission and who spend good and bad energies ruthlessly sweeping away all obstacles from their way just to reach this goal.
I speak of this and a thousand other things, the change of perspective that is inevitable for every hair and beard bleached hair, which raises doubts about the choices and makes you want to shelter. Shelter ... but from what? We are short-lived as the roses, to quote the little prince, and we only have two pins to defend ourselves, you can not touch the same water of the river twice, as Heraclitus said, the truth is that it happens, I think often, and to pursue a goal We will see that another person who no longer wishes to that goal and lost the time to reach what you really want NOW.
I know that philosophical arguments seem to be after dinner, and average BAC, but I think it's human to feel so, nor it seems to me no succor humor this time.
How to build a large house that once finished, you never dreamed of living and at the same time, regret the little house you'd have to be twenty years without so much debt and trouble, discovering that the next goal is your own end.
Have I understood for a moment that I have to stop looking up to heaven, because I do not know if tomorrow will affect me more than the sky and even the same tomorrow, but without the rhetoric seriously. Rereading
I was a pathetic and boring old Solon, ie my mood is the same as before. Here's a post that reflects me at this very moment. Look
developments, but I close, I think I need a coffee or two.

The image shows a part of my collection of cards USPCC.

Monday, July 26, 2010

San Pedro Boat Junkyard

The morra zen blogger

I fatti sono pietra, i vissuti forbice e il blog carta.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bloody Mucus Discharge Before Period


“Noi non possiamo essere onesti senza riconoscere che ci occorre vivere nel mondo etsi Deus non daretur... Davanti a Dio e con Dio noi viviamo senza l'ipotesi di Dio... Si tratta cioè di vivere davanti a Dio l'assenza di Dio.”
Enzo Bianchi che cita Bonhoeffer. Ovvero gente di un livello spirituale che per me è inimmaginabile, ma che ha toccato le mie corde parlando di Dio come bellezza, come dato universale a cui tendere per moto spontaneo come fossimo piante verso la luce. E uomini verso la bellezza.
E quindi la sfida sta qui. Nel vivere senza far a meno di ricercare la bellezza, ma partendo dall’ipotesi altrettanto valida che più che non esistere, non sia raggiungibile. O, per lo meno, comprensibile da essere umano.
Sarà per questo che adoro le donne, mi affascinano profondamente.
But I can not help but look at their tits.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Should I Shave My Vag

Design defeat

do not know if it is understood, but I have nothing to say.
And the little that I will be at the instigation of others.
usually does not exceed the line.
Besides a biography must also have blank pages, no?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spotty Period Look Like

Leap of Faith

says that democracy is in danger.
Raped, threatened, absent.
I think, for that matter, that there has ever been.
"It a great word, whose history, I suppose, has not yet been written, because that story has yet to be implemented. "(Walt Whitman)
So we know what should be but we never implemented it.
Because when we think we can think of ancient Greece. There
yes there was. But it is obvious. Agora us down the individual citizen (Okay, there were no women and slaves, we will not cut the hair in two ...). Each first-person game. Many of the elections that took place were the prize draws.
see the difference?
to us is the representative mechanism that we care. Why are not "all equal".
not up to all politics.
We choose who represents us.
We simply choose those who agree. It would be more honest.
But over the centuries was not enough.
We must choose who is better than us.
you aware of idiocy? How many out there think that there is a better than himself? In the political sphere at least.
Then go with the ideology of choice: one not necessarily better than me, but my place is pursuing a shared ideal that makes us all better.
This compromise, play saved the Christian Democrats for almost fifty years.
Today there we are forgotten. Indeed, some people think it is smoke and mirrors and unnecessary complication.
Today, again, as the day before yesterday and a little 'always returns you to accept, reluctantly neck, the better is the strongest. O, the richest or most mafia, or the more sexually successful, or all together.
Only that this already is no longer the play of democracy and those who complain of not having most is the one who has already broken a long time.
The other thing that troubles me is that I should have known for some time.
It 'makes sense that if you put a "cross" on a symbol of what you're doing is an "act of faith."
It 'so obvious that you miss. But it is so.
That's what the ideology.
The fact is that today we all complain that you can not make "political debate" without throwing in uproar. What you can not know the historical truth of anything, because everything is just a personal attack and so. That not even know the numbers. How many people has a place to vote in as many costs as a so-called public works to how long a contract. ...
was already like that before.
I do not want to believe, but it was already done.
Però, porco cane, c’era un ideale dietro. O forse non c’era, ma sembrava che ci fosse davvero.
E siccome io (come voi) non posso scegliere sulla base di dati oggettivi, io l’ideale lo rivoglio. Perché, anche se non è cosa concreta, io di quello posso chiederti conto.
Non posso sceglierti perché sei ricco, strafottente, trapiantato, pieno di te.
Non posso sceglierti neanche perché non sei nulla di quanto sopra e sei semplicemente contro quello che non riesci ad essere a tua volta.
Coerentemente non dovrei scegliere e quindi votare.
Ma essere credenti o meno è genetica più imponderabile.
E quanto lo sei has become irreversible. So do not
tapper Montanelli as the nose, but I'll do my "leap of faith", all in lower case, because here God has little or nothing.
enter it because we get closer to Easter, and as someone has already written, one thing we all hope.
you return to put the thief on the cross and the cross on the robbers.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pokemon Pure Silver Køb

The tex "modern" private investigator smell and prisoner of his myth (2) Tex

With Mauro Boselli, the tendency to 'humanization' reaches its climax in my opinion.
In fact, the hero, probably the orphan of his own mythology, it becomes more and more a character from the others of his (I would say to them, the other characters) events.
On the other hand more and more often no longer present and the past glory of its size, as the ranger who gives his name as the series continues to shine by its absence, is compensation for the time, and in my view annoyingly, celebrated by the speeches of other characters (or real players, according to my way of thinking) is not simply reaffirms how great, how mythical, how famous, how strong it was Tex or better. Tex celebrations aside, the characters of the stories multiply but often missing are the pard, which rarely are present in all its history, especially among recent. The bad guys are very charismatic and hard in his early stories, themes and unusual and often interesting, as atypical, but unfortunately the brilliance of the dialogues and the actual presence of the pard beyond the celebrations severely lacking, but this trend has increased since Boselli is the main writer: his Tex, his Carson, Kit and his Tiger's other characters are very different and much less interesting than those of previous writers, and present in much smaller measure quantitatively. The plots are not bad, the problem is the excess of flashbacks, flashfowards and other "special effects" narrative, which often appear forced and placed specifically to demonstrate the technique of the writer and not because they are the narration itself, and of course that I find the defect Main display of the culture's sake, the great self-congratulation that the author can be seen over and over again, which seems to understand that Tex should be having to handle the magnitude of Boselli and not vice versa. Personally I would say that even if it is true that the magnitude is different, the author seems to have taken the issue as opposed to the way in my view correct.
I will not go further, I say that I have great confidence in the authors who will alternate with Boselli, especially Manfredi and Faraci, in ensuring that the rangers return to a size closer to the original magic formula that made a myth of Tex and not writing a character who may or must at all costs to show off their knowledge, their preparation, their professional technique at the cost of distorting the whole.
I would just like to reiterate that everything I wrote is not to be taken as an objective but as my personal opinion, the old player and true fan of the series, and certainly many will disagree with my point of view. But it is exactly the difference in points of view of comparing the salt, which in turn is one of the pleasures of caring for a small space on the things you love.

The image is the cover of Tex giant number 407 Sergio Bonelli Editore ©

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tech Deck V Tehnopolis

The "modern" private investigator to smell himself and prisoner of (1)

The "modernity texiana" by Claudio Nizzi

Among the many schools of thought about Tex "modern", there is no doubt that he sees the rangers, Olympic demigod or titanium according to the previous interpretations, engaged Pirandello in a search page from the mid-eighties, a period whose Tex, orphaned character of a great father, expecting to find another Giovanni Luigi Bonelli, of course, without finding it, finding instead an unexpected and sudden fall to Earth. No more Hercules or Prometheus, but through a sudden and rapid escape from the myth, the hero is transformed into a human being altogether. Even tra i più brillanti, mi verrebbe da aggiungere con un pizzico di malignità.
Con Claudio Nizzi, l'uomo Tex prevale con grande chiarezza sull'eroe Tex. E magicamente il pallino delle sue storie passa dalle sue mani a quelle dei suoi nemici. Le vicende di Tex si tingono di giallo, i misteri o presunti tali iniziano a pullulare, ma, come è stato fatto giustamente notare, non sono più misteri ingenui alla “Satania”, sono misteri “impegnativi”, forse troppo per il nostro ranger appena umanizzato, quasi fosse un novello Pinocchio. I suoi nemici prendono il sopravvento nell'economia delle avventure, ed il ranger più famoso d'Italia principia a brancolare sempre più spesso nel buio. Per fortuna non loses the ability to shoot and get into fights, unfortunately lost his usual intuition that guided him very well so far. There are numerous stories in which Night Eagle is unable to solve the riddle itself, the solution of which is as flat-spotted face, right in time for some beneinformato and providential "deus ex machina", also there have been countless stories where Tex is saved in extremis by those who are to pass in those parts of the Indian cavalry to friends, from children to old ladies.
The enemies get larger, they take over, manipulating our hero like a puppet, lead him by the nose wherever they want, except seeing snatch victory by a stroke of fortuitous luck. Consequently
Tex, bereft of his charisma, passes by authoritarianism and begins to issue "orders" to Kit Carson and Tiger (just between us, annoying inconsistency, as a friend to help you because you estimate does not impart orders) becomes the "boss" of pards, his heroic stature seems to be part of the past, making a simple business card, while the figure shows a threshold after another.
good stories out there, especially in the early years, but they are not, as noted above, the stories of a mythical demigod and bold, are only the vicissitudes of a man (undeserved?) Kissed by luck madam and preceded by an (often as one would say undeserved) reputation that surrounds him, often, paradoxically, makes it visible to its enemies like a fly in milk and makes his opponents play in attack and throw him, forcing him to bring home the victory scoring chance in a network often play out in plenty of time expired.
Tex is still a comic book and many interesting stories retain a certain charm, but the magnitude of the character is quite different from that of the same character written by Gianluigi or Sergio Bonelli, alias Nolitta.

The image is the cover of Tex giant number 280 Sergio Bonelli Editore ©

Monday, January 25, 2010

Canon Gl 3ccd Alternative

texiane Tradition and modernity: a point of view clearly part [2]

Part Two

The Tex Guido Nolitta: a great humanity against the wounds of God

We come to the great Guido Nolitta, aka Sergio Bonelli, the second author who has tried his hand in the writing of stories Rangers, alongside his father in a work to shake your wrists: Tex write but not limited to, he can become the support of his father, who was often helpful to his son when the latter was facing difficulties in writing, for example immediately after the first few numbers of Zagor. I think enough thanks to the editor this undertaking has been a source of great concern and pain head, but sometimes the pain of the head can be very fruitful, such as when Zeus gave birth to Athena from the skull directly at a big headache, caparisoned at all points. To me the parallels between the two cases, there is everything. The Tex
Nolitta, seen in retrospect, that is to say in hindsight, it confirms in my opinion was a great character, the heroic stature very impressive, although the differences in the way of writing than the parent were many and quite significant . Meanwhile, Tex is very hard, maybe even harder than his father but lost much of his easygoing air. Conversely his vocabulary and his way of expressing heavy and become much more serious (dare) (And this despite Nolitta enter several "curtains" funny) and somewhat rhetorical, as well as the expression of abstract values \u200b\u200band ideals, all concrete instead of the hero's father's both: the ranger Louis G. Bonelli is a positive character who drags events, Tex Nolitta is a great hero who is destined to defeat, however, because the rot against generalized interests against the dirty, negative against an evil world and there is no victory, only an unremitting struggle, tireless and full of illusory success , who regularly turn out to be mixed with bitterness and a sense of helplessness. Nolitta Tex turns into a hero inflexible and rigid, willing to follow his personal code of ethics even at the cost of life when there is everything to gain from the stall or come to terms, which since its first story becomes a fully fledged ranger and later an Indian chief paternalistic and loving, as aware of the inevitable defeat and the imminent end of his world.
Nolitta Many stories are beautiful and also several of the masterpieces: not only, some characters created by this great author are among the most popular series, many memorable years of their appearance: the lone dell'West and El Muerto are examples more immediate, but of course many others would have to be mentioned. His masterpieces were born on Tex, however, as his stories , containing cioè i suoi topoi, come l'amicone che si rivela essere poi il vero cattivo e come il vicecomandante giovane e borioso che prende improvvisamente il posto di un comandante esperto e ragionevole. Il Tex di Nolitta si sporca e si deve lavare, radere, fatica, ha sete, ha sonno, suda come i comuni mortali, ma questo non sminuisce la sua grandezza, anzi, il contrario, la esalta: Tex non è un semidio armato di cuore di leone e stinchi di santo, è un essere umano grandioso che titanicamente combatte il male in un mondo magmatico e proteiforme, dove nulla è quello che sembra e dove ogni vittoria è fondamentalmente il preludio ad una sconfitta: un eroe grandissimo che si staglia contro uno sfondo molto grigio, per non dire quasi nero.
Tex does not move the story, Tex the fight to the end without falling and remains standing despite a real cyclone is sweeping down upon him and many around him who placed their hopes in him.
Leaving aside the often naive confidence that Tex has to give away to the enemy, as opposed to the distrust of intuition and that its correspondent Gian Luigi Bonelli, the bottom is a detail but still very significant: I understand perfectly Nolitta that would be an example to follow as the author, because of the unorthodoxy of some of his choices, including that of neglect in favor of Carson or Tiger Kit paired with Tex Willer. Although some of these tarnish the myth created by her father, Tex that arises è tutt'altro che un personaggio poco interessante, anzi, e quando i pennelli sono quelli di Fusco, di Ticci o di Galep vengono fuori delle coppie autore disegnatore da ANTOLOGIA. Chiamarle memorabili sarebbe francamente riduttivo.

[...] Continua

l'immagine rappresenta la copertina di Tex gigante numero 183 © Sergio Bonelli Editore

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Litles Petszop Na Logowanie

texiane Tradition and modernity: a point of view clearly part [1]

Parte prima: il Tex di Giovanni Luigi Bonelli

Un discorso chiaramente partigiano

Avverto il lettore che quello che mi accingo a scrivere non è un intervento che wish to be objective, it is clearly a part of speech, and intellectual honesty, I must immediately admit that there is no doubt that this should be considered. There is, for me to be objective when discussing a topic that deeply touches my feelings. Indeed, rather, that affects the sentiments of what I was, that a child daydreaming the collection of Tex in his library, and put at the top of his wish to be able to browse and read the wonderful books of the ranger , books that wanted more than anything in the world.
Other times, I must say. Times when our mothers did not want playing at home, we threw him out after school as soon as the season allowed it and did not want to meet again until a certain time. And then there were not the groups of boys with or without their beloved books, waiting to be able to complete two teams for the ball, and meanwhile organized a fantastic stock exchange securities with beautiful and colorful. Other times I was saying. And of course, another Tex ...
... Another Tex, an introduction linked to nostalgia, childhood ... I could not choose the best allies that this stain from my talk is only of ideological hues and simple counter that I do become distracted by nostalgia, that often the changes are better but are perceived as so negative. Okay, I chose to play a difficult game, but a Once I've agreed to do so I just have to play it all the way and openly. And then of course I do, giving an overview of the features that impressed me then and that meant that the love for the character is virtually unchanged after so many years in me.

The Tex Gian Luigi Bonelli, a great character is difficult to define

A mo 'introduction, I tried to jot down a list of characteristics of the rangers as well as I knew him back when I read it too table, provoking the ire of my parents and ruining the books permanently:

Tex is the driving force of all its history. All things revolve around him, the heliocentric system is replaced by "texcentrico. Nothing positive can happen without his involvement. Tex was born as an outlaw, and in fact immediately embodies the righteousness which is quite separate from the law, Tex is a synthesis impossible Rangers, Indian chief and Indian agent, white and red. Tex is a man who strikes terror into the enemies and absolute trust in friends. Tex is able to find any clue of hank and his nose and "a certain voice," lead him straight to the solution of any plot ... and so on.

I could go on for pages, but doing what I think is an absolutely useless: it is impossible, or at least extremely simplistic, to try to know the origins of Tex listing its major characteristics. It would be much quicker and better to list only one: the inconsistency. Tex is a very contradictory character with himself, as the result of many years of adventures written by his father and the first writer unsurpassed in a large volcanic and without planning, as he often said. An Indian chief who called the red man "faces of clay," a lawyer acting maliciously by the arsonist, the bomber and the torturer, a man who despises money and that he always pays with mysterious inexhaustible funds but does a blizzard because the soldiers were handed over to Navajos of his lean animals, except leave enormous treasures in gold and emeralds to rot in the desert, which could easily turn his people into a community of rich vaqueros. And even in this list I could dwell at leisure. What I think is clear from these reviews on the subject as it is true that the first Tex is easy to think of a mysterious object, being a person who is groping his precise identity, both graphic and psychological but, Incredi, Tex remains and will remain a difficult character to define and harness in one or more synthetic formulas also true in the age of first maturity, in what is generally considered his period gold, that I, perhaps arbitrarily, I tend to identify with the arrival of William letter and order books of the strip, in which the comic becomes really very nice graphically and is definitely a quantum leap.
Tex: a short and snappy name designed for a man of action and impulsive, which does not hesitate to physically attack anyone who dares to question his word or who dares to challenge or provoke him, indeed, he is a born provocateur, a man who is able to say what he thinks anyone without fear of retaliation, which does not come to terms except through their own initiative, who lives in an open, brave, risky and yet always has a smile on his lips. But Tex is also the name of an intelligent and intuitive, and positive skeptic who does not believe in magic although it has clashed several times with the sorcerer, a man all my heart and all of the brain, in short, a man at the square. And as in all things squared, the less they become more and no less so, despite the common mortals do not enjoy this wonderful privilege. Even the pards, starting with Kit Carson, who acts as a humanizing and a watch, and remember to have sleep and hunger, being tired and feeling pessimistic and discouraged.
The charm of this character is great: a man alone, often without even the moral support of the army or other institutions that need his help, can to bring justice in the wilderness in which there is rule of force, annihilating opponents despite the disproportionate size, use of resources "cathartic" as fire, explosion, water or even launched into a mad train race. A titanic Tex, which moves almost forces of nature that is almost always a smile, able to joke in the shark tank or enough to deal with his own tormentors.
This fascination is, in my humble opinion, the secret of the success of the series: the character certainly has some characteristics of the classic comic book hero, the kind that come out of the water with his pants dry and have no moral hesitation because their code etico scolpito nel granito, ma è, in realtà , eterno , più che moderno o classico, rappresentando, certo, l'eterna lotta del bene contro il male, ma nel suo caso con il bene protagonista soverchiante e disposto ad adoperare qualsiasi mezzo per prevalere. Tex rappresenta una giustizia aggressiva ed eterodossa, una giustizia "illegale" che ha un opinione molto bassa della legge, i cui rappresentanti spesso, lungi dall'applicarla, la adoperano come scudo per difendere i loro loschi scopi a spese dei più deboli, non senza l'avvallo di chi dovrebbe controllarli e che invece fa l'esatto contrario. E la rappresenta in maniere altamente spettacolari, dalla immancabile rissa nel saloon ai migliori "fuochi artificial "dynamite.

A character almost magical, that over time and the changing of the authors has changed and many of them like me, they feel acutely the nostalgia.

[...] Continue

's image is the cover of Giant Tex No. 1 © Sergio Bonelli Editore

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What To Write In A Baptism Card


There are reports that you can not interpret.

The U.S. secretary of state went into a press conference to say that the State of the Union speech 2010 (a bit 'as Napolitano's speech at the end of year, but with a world-class hundred times as much), Obama will decide after the first episode of the sixth season of Lost, so as not to prevent anyone from seeing (and using the tow television, as if speaking after Striscia la notizia).

I love Lost, I think it is literature in its own way to contemporary images. I have often thought that might be used as a teaching tool to explain how to construct a narrative just for the sake of telling it. It 's a perfect Bignami for figures of speech, for the syntax of the plot and narrative uses for the first time on a screen with consistency e freschezza la figura della prolessi o flashforward (il ricordo del futuro).


Però ci sono cose più serie. E, persino nei miei ricordi di bambino, il discorso sullo stato dell’Unione lo era. Ancor più dovrebbe esserlo oggi, dal momento che, volenti o nolenti, della periferia di quella Unione ne facciamo parte anche noi.

Perdo colpi.

No, non è lagnanza. Però li perdo.

Ogni tanto mi capita di vedere il mio anziano padre cercare di destreggiarsi su una tastiera di computer. He, like me, and unlike my son, not a digital native.

dies on as if there were to be a climb or abseil.

Yet at the time was a radio operator for the army, in a brilliant young telegraph Morse code, well able to keep up the courses of NATO.

not know about you, I bite I learned as a Boy Scout, but he is a language with which we still speak today at breakfast.

Do write a Word document and will hate you for a morning. A database and you risk of nest una carabinata sulle chiappe. Ad aria compressa.

Dove, o meglio quando, la sua linea di intelligenza tecnologica ha divorziato dalla memoria di lavoro?

Non lo so. E non oso chiederglielo.

So quando verosimilmente è accaduto per me.

E fu il T9.

Quella tortura per dita telefoniniche non l’ho mai sofferta. Fu odio a prima vista. E il chiudersi di una linea evolutiva per sempre.

Posso metterci minuti a digitare un sms. Conosco gente che nello stesso tempo comporrebbe l’Iliade per tastiera a 9 toni.

Mi sono procurato un libro.

Che è all’origine di questi sproloqui.

Per i tipi di Einaudi, alla indecente somma di euro sessantacinque, è stato edito “Nebbia”, una sorta di antologia a cura di di Remo Ceserani e Umberto Eco.

Solo un malato di nebbia come me lo avrebbe acquistato, uno che nella terra della nebbia ci è nato, e ancora ci vive, sebbene un centinaio di metri più su, dove già alcune prospettive cambiano.

Fog is a disease. A disease of the soul. What makes it better.

them a body understandable, but elusive. Allows you to understand without being able to understand, that is collected.

"The fog is cancer. It protects you. Legions of human beings would want to return to the womb (of anyone, in the words of Woody Allen). The fog you realize this impossible dream. Amniotic grants you happiness. You have the feeling that maybe one day you will leave from the vagina and you'll face the world, but for now you are safe. And since the birth is the beginning of the trail that takes you inexorably to death, the fog is assurance (alas virtual) that death may not perverrai. Just stop there. But just because you do not know where you are, the fog tends to move out of it (which is foolish and crazy madness stupidity). Those who venture to stay there, he wants to get out. This is why all men are mortal. "

This brilliant in the preface of Eco.

And I agree. It must be the closest thing to the amniotic fluid that exists. Happiness and unconsciousness. Even if you dive with heavy black heart and mind. There everything is floating.

And limbo. Everything in the mist may be dead, living or even born yet.

It 's the physical situation experiential ever closer to the mythical Schrödinger's cat.

The door on the many worlds and many parallel universes.

And in the fog, the door is always ajar. Only a fool wide open for the dying in a world of light.

Because the mist is nothing.

Nothing fills the void.

As these words in this blog.