Monday, February 14, 2011

V W Beetle Gaerbox Blueprints

Il mistero del Moby Prince.

the evening of 10 April 1991 in the port of Livorno, was a tragic event.
just a ferry and sailed direct to Olbia, Sardinia, named "Moby Prince" hit in the middle of an oil tanker Agip which was at anchor, the "Agip Abruzzo. The battle was terrible and the ferry hit by oil spill from the hole opened in the tanker began to burn like a torch.
140 people died, only one man managed to escape.
The official version of the event is as follows: That evening there was a thick fog in front of Livorno and also was under a great football game (namely the UEFA Cup final Juventus-Barcelona), that the crew of Moby was following on television, then the fog and inattention were the causes of the tragedy, in addition to a defect in the radar system ... This
the official version, given by the Harbour of Livorno only 10 days after the disaster, and confirmed by the trial lasted for two years, which ended in 1997 with the acquittal of all defendants (men responsible for the tanker and rescue, arrived very late).
PRIMO. Da numerose testimonianze risulta che quella notte non c’era affatto nebbia sul mare davanti Livorno.
SECONDO. Non c’era nessuna televisione nella plancia di comando del Moby Prince, e quindi anche la tesi della partita “distrattrice” sarebbe falsa.
TERZO. Da alcune barche ancorate in rada furono viste delle navi allontanarsi rapidamente dal luogo della collisione, mentre già il Moby bruciava. Perché non prestarono soccorso? E soprattutto che ci stavano a fare lì, when officers were not to be?
FOURTH. From a careful analysis shows that the Moby Prince struck the tanker as he tried to return to port, and as he walked away! Why this turnabout?

FIFTH. The "black box" of the steering disappeared from the wreck of the ferry, as it was strangely cut the ribbon amateur filmed by a passenger ferry, then died in the fire, just within minutes of the disaster.
EIGHTH. The rescue ship radar went haywire when they approached the area of \u200b\u200bthe collision. Why?
NINTH. Another ship, the tanker crew described as a white vessel, it was quickly seen through the waters of the harbor that night. But there was a vessel at night, in the midst of so many military vessels?
TENTH. With certainty we know that in April 1991 was anchored in the port of Livorno, the vessel "21Ocktobar II", a vessel donated by the Italian government to Somalia to help (in the context of cooperation), this means providing the African country. Officially
The ship was under repair, but on the afternoon of April 10 was having a lighter fill its tanks. Why? It was just the "21 Octobar II" the white ship having run into the sea that night?
ELEVENTH. The ship 21Ocktobar II, will be two years after an 'investigative journalism by Ilaria Alpi, the TG3 journalist, killed later in March 1994 in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, along with the cameraman Miran Hrovatin. One of the most credible hypothesis, if not certain, is that Ilaria Alpi was killed because he had discovered with his investigative journalism something that SHOULD NOT HAVE TO KNOW: that an arms trade between Somalia and Italy that took place using le navi della cooperazione, ufficialmente dei pescherecci. Fra questi pescherecci c’era pure la 21OcktobarII.
Ilaria Alpi sarebbe stata uccisa perché con la sua indagine aveva scoperto qualcosa di enorme, in cui c’entravano i militari americani, lo stato italiano, e i 140 morti del Moby Prince? Naturalmente, essendo il processo aperto, queste sono “soltanto” ipotesi.I punti che ho elencato sono però dati di fatto.
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Playlist Completa:
Moby Prince


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