Thursday, February 17, 2011

Witty Wedding Telegrams

L’Italia? Un deposito nucleare.

E’ a familiar story, but again, even if it seem monomaniacal: are hundreds of nuclear devices hidden in Italy for over half a century, and ready to be used against other nations on a simple order the United States.

And to think that just ten days ago, on 7 February, the government and the Duma in Moscow have returned to ask the U.S. to "remove its nuclear weapons and dismantle the infrastructure built for them in bases located in foreign territory. " As a must in the West, the news was removed from the "information" graciously donated by the authoritative Italian media, much more interested in amplifying the deeds delle varie Ruby o Brenda. Una tale “rimozione” è utile a chi comanda davvero l’Italia: oltre il 70 per cento dei nostri concittadini, infatti, ignora l’esistenza del potenziale bellico nucleare sparso sul territorio italiano. E che secondo gli stessi rapporti del Pentagono è pari a “un impatto esplosivo di distruzione di oltre il 50 per cento del territorio” nazionale. Basi di occupazione che, si badi bene, non sono soltanto quelle “tre o quattro” - Aviano, Ederle, Ghedi Torre, Napoli.. - che più o meno anche i più distratti conoscono dai tempi dell’Allied Force in Italy, ma un centinaio di più.

As is well known - thanks to a delicious, so to speak, "circular Trabucchi" that removes all obstacles to the movement of men and military means "allies" on our territory - the American pilots can take off at any moment with arms atomic able to give to the "hostile" Washington decided by a destructive force which when multiplied by 900 times the effect on already defeated Japan, the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

is known. The Americans have a duty to bring democracy, whatever the cost. The placet similar to "operations", however, has already been written and defined by the Nuclear Posture Review, the Pentagon, the U.S. does not exclude the possibility of using nuclear weapons against states in advance of them as "rogue." A possible target? Of course, Iran: a "potential" ... Nuclear enemy.

But why, then, even to defend their peace, safety, and not become in turn target of retaliation, not "returns to the U.S." nuclear warheads, as was done by Canada , Greece, Denmark and Iceland?

But because we lost the war, in 1945, and we are still their prisoners, we are captive subsidiary. Elementary.

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