Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cubefield On Facebook Tips

fried barley, radicchio and shrimp

Ieri...che splendida giornata!!! Un bel sole...beh, caldo direi di almeno allegro...una bella luce in casa, nel cuore, tanta voglia di fare!
Mi sono messa a fare un bel pò di ordine nelle varie cose accumulate in giro per casa in questi giorni, la mia voglia di pulizia e di nuovo mi led to free up some of the superfluous and feel so much better ... look around and see how nice space, clean air!
.... Then yesterday I got to know the sweet Pippi ... finally we hear the phone ... just got to talk Thee, dear and discover once again that there are so many similarities between us ... thanks for everything you've got a big heart!
And what about Tuesday afternoon? That's great, a wonderful tour to Milan, where I finally was able to meet my dear Ely Calvé during the event of which I had spoken, that the IPC was held in Milan for the note.
very nice ... along with many other bloggers like us, I had the pleasure of meeting, we had fun listening to the funny gags Katia Follesa, finding that the mayonnaise is good, versatile, does not hurt and helps prepare plates of brownies supersfiziosi ... even to scream! We also tasted a splendid buffet many delicious snacks and dishes prepared with the help of the legendary salsa (which I adored, however ... but every now and then, alas, saw the band ... diet!)
You can see and Read something more going on nice new site dedicated to Calvé mayonnaise, where you'll find many delicious ideas, original and fun!
.... But back to us during our foray in Milan and I have bought up by Coin Ely house, yes, there were saldiiiii ... and we give away these beautiful pans oven dish or two to ... head ... of course I immediately wanted me to baptize with this recipe, view Alice in February, but I modified using barley instead of pasta and then baked in a casserole.
I thought it would be ideal to attend the gathering of Imma, a collection that excites me and not a little ... I love all kinds of casserole, siiiiiiiiiiii!!

Allora partiamo subito con gli ingredienti:

per 2 pirofiline
100 gr orzo perlato
olio extravergine d'oliva
sale pepe
1 piccolo cespo di radicchio rosso lungo
50 gr di dadini di emmenthal
100 gr gamberetti surgelati
uno spicchio d'aglio
mezzo bicchiere scarso di vino bianco

Ho mondato il radicchio, l'ho ben lavato e asciugato con cartada cucina e poi l'ho fatto a pezzettini.
Ho sbollentato i gamberetti qualche minuto in una pentolina con acqua e sale, li ho scolati e lasciati raffreddare.
In una padella ho scaldato qualche cucchiaio d'olio e ci ho aggiunto lo clove of garlic, I cook a few minutes and I deleted before it became dark.
I joined the radicchio and I did it simmer for about ten minutes, then I added the shrimp and have faded with white wine, well, raising the heat to evaporate the alcohol. I
salt, pepper and cooked on high heat to restrict the sauce formed ....
... in the meantime I boiled barley in boiling salted water, cooked (slightly al dente left) and implemented by skipping the pan with sauce.
At this point I have the slightly oiled oven dish, I've been lying so barley dressed and put on the surface of the small cubes of Emmenthal to create a nice streamlined gratin, place in oven at 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes (at the top) to melt slightly and gratin all ... and voila!
What do you think?

There seem appetizing??

Now I leave, wishing you a wonderful day ... it's raining and cold here this morning, Ugh ... the sun of yesterday seems to have forgotten ... oh well!


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