Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poptropica The Tablet Of Gods

the "cabbage" ... lemon and polenta

Ugh, here become colder, the weather not improving ... a terrible fog it has hosted several mornings, accompanied by a freezing cold! Ebbasta ..... I want the sun!
The sun makes me happy, joy of life ... this time in the morning here, in my house seem so zombies walking, eheheheheh ... who does not want to go to school ... who snorts thinking about the conference who did not work ... want to do the cleaning up ... ... but there you have to do everything, and then ...
Sorry for the digression, but this morning ..... runs like this ...

back to us today ... I wanted to post these wonderful cookies I made for my Christmas gifts, and also for us to munch on that .... so good!
The recipe comes with a fresh fresh from the wonderful Book of Sigrid ( ah, what the supreme desire to write a book and become as good as you are autoregalata ......), me for Christmas and where I got already different ideas greedy.
It 's a book very well explained, with simple recipes and feasible, the result is always perfect ... and if he says it as a clumsy me, trust me!
And I have to open a parenthesis here ... and I would ask you ... (come on, do a mini poll ... eheheheheh!) .. What is your "vice" the applicant?
Well, lately my cookery books are ... I'm buying some really many (perhaps too many ...?!!??... no, never have too many!) .. My husband starts to me strange questions because he finds them almost everywhere, even in the bathroom (well, I read it there too!) and sincerely space to store them has diminished drastically ... But I can not live without!
I decided that I will take a month, but how do you put a limit, I say, how faaaaa??! Sigh!
Tell me ... is the same for you?
That's why I decided a good thing ... now I want to share with you my cookbooks ... I thought I'd create a page where you will post the books I have at home, with a short description and my comment ...
What do you think?

Biscuits with lemon and polenta

Dedicated to those who love the lemon ... and it feels really are delicious, crisp and delicious!

Ingredients: 300 gr
150 g corn flour (for me foil Molino Rossetto )

200 g butter 150 g sugar 4 egg yolks
a pinch
of salt grated rind of two lemons biological

with electric whips I beat butter with sugar and grated lemon zest, so you get a nice thick cream-colored. I've incorporated the egg yolks, one at a time, always with the mixer in action, and gradually I added the flour, mixed together with a pinch of salt.
I briefly mixed by hand, forming a nice ball, and wrapped in plastic wrap, I left it in the fridge to rest for half an hour.
I stretched the dough to a thickness of about half cemtimetro (more or less ...), with a stencil I cut out the biscuits, I put them on a baking sheet and have them cooked at 200 degrees for ten minutes (I used the fan), but keep an eye on, because they have browned slightly, otherwise they become too hard then, once cooled.
To me, as Sigrid, they became almost fifty ... then depends on the size of the stencil used.

At this point, pending the establishment of the new page ... (now I can not I just run away) ... I leave you to your daily chores ...


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