Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nubiles Online A Full

A relaxing break ...

In these days the cold, at least over here in the north, came back to lord it ... so it's nice to be able to carve out a moment of tranquility maybe its the weekend, squatting on the sofa in the company of a good book and a fleece cover, to relax a bit!
And why not .. maybe with a nice side dish with something to crunch and delicious, what do you think?
Well, then this post is really for you.
It 'been a while that I neglect my rubrichetta of books read, and I apologize ... just because I had several crafts to do ahead of festivals and that I was a little distracted by reading my neck ... just came back strongly to the fore, and then after a while that I wear to bed to read, I hurt my neck ...
Today, however, I want to offer this book in the library now taken a long long time ago that I liked and I've read in a flash:

A book highly "feminine", where the friendship between women is king ... but where sometimes there are secrets, maybe difficult to admit that threaten to derail everything.

Everyone has secrets and Cornelia Brown, against his will, is about to discover to his cost. Typical city girl, is the first to be surprised when, after spending years New York, decided to leave behind the worldly life and the skyscrapers and moved with her husband in a suburb of Philadelphia. But weaving new friends is not an easy undertaking. From The acceptance that reserves his new blond neighbor Piper. Perfect manicure, clothes clean and obsessive perfection, never misses a chance to hear Cornelia completely inadequate, and in order to be unbearable. Fortunately, there is Lake, single mother with brilliant blue eyes and wild hair, arrived in town recently for a special school to enroll her son Dev, a fourteen-than-normal intelligence.

But both Piper Lake of the secrets that hide, like everyone, in fact. Little white lies, monumental castles, but also stories that are not willing to confess. Like a forbidden passion that threatens to upset the balance of life. Or an episode of the past that can no longer be ignored. When these secrets begin to surface, his friendship with Cornelia is to help the three women to protect their dearest affections.

Review site Ed.Piemme

Beautiful, exciting, not heavy ... you can make a company on a day like this!

is an idea to nibble?

Here it is .... a tasty snacks, easy and quick to do, but believe me ... in a jiffy you'll find the empty plate, one after another brush them there, eheheheh!

.. how did we do it? (Yes, I helped my daughter, who is to prepare them to eat them ...)
takes two sheets of puff pastry to a rectangular shape and pitted olives (we used green ones, but also go well, the black ... )
We rolled out the first sheet of pastry on a baking tray covered with baking paper ... we have put on it the chopped olives and had a bella pressione con le mani per farle ben aderire....poi vi abbiamo adagiato sopra l'altro foglio di sfoglia, con le mani abbiamo ben premuto e con la rotella tagliapasta (potete sbizzarrirvi anche con degli stampini di varie forme!) abbiamo creato delle strisce.
Successivamente le abbiamo tagliate in vari pezzi e arrotolate un pochino a mò di farfallina, così:

..nel frattempo abbiamo pre-riscaldato il  forno a 180° e poi infornate per circa una decina- quindicina di minuti con la funzione ventilata...
Appena si sono we are golden and puffed the oven, let cool, and ... voila!
What do you think?
It can be done?

... so ... good afternoon, good Sunday and good relaxation ...!!!!!!!!


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