Monday, January 31, 2011

Peripheral Artery Disease More Condition_symptoms

"Cords brother" zucchini and salmon, flavored with dill

Happy Monday everyone!
How are you? I am ....
raffreddatissima etcììì!
Last night I lay down very early, packed with acetaminophen to prevent fever, but the bones were broken and they are also sincerely this morning ... runny nose, headache, sore throat ... oh yes, I just got right in! It must have been the raid on Saturday at Macef with Ely? Maybe those changes in temperature and out of the various pavilions ... mah!
E 'was still a wonderful experience, I have seen wonderful things ... plates, cups, pots and accessories of all kinds, colors, patterns and most efficient ... is it really worth it, and if this cost me a cold ... well, patience, come on!

Return to us ... and my kitchen clumsy.
This dish we liked it so much ... it is really very delicate taste, made use scented anise (I had never used before!) And with the addition of pine nuts, even crunchy. I wanted to use this
Mugnaia of my beloved pasta, perfectly suited to this type of seasoning, soft and comfortable (if not I think may work well for normal Bucatini pasta ... but this is special). The result has been a delight.

Here's how I did:

Ingredients: 1 box of pasta
"Weld brother" of Miller Elice
a slice of fresh salmon without skin or bones of about 200-250 grams
a nice big zucchini
handful of pine nuts a little bit of white onion, finely chopped olive oil

dill salt pepper a pinch (About half a teaspoon for me!)
1 tablespoon of sour cream to whip

Preparation: In a wok
put together the olive oil to sauté onion chopped finely, and just let it brown. At this point, cut into julienne zucchini (chopped not too fine, otherwise I recommend then break up, and in this case must rimenere beautiful crisp) and add them, making them jump to well about 6-7 minutes on medium heat, salt and pepando
taste Combine the chopped salmon, flavored with dill seed crushed slightly and continue cooking for several minutes, taking care not to attack the whole.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in salted water, once cooked, add the sauce in the wok, stir in the sour cream (and if necessary with a few tablespoons of cooking water for pasta) for a few minutes over high heat, and once ready, Sprinkle the surface with a pinch of pine nuts.
Here it is .....

A delicate dish, but at the same time substantial, as there is fish and vegetables ... with a nice salad and a fruit you have solved a lunch or dinner!
And it's really fast to do ... which is good, right?!

Now I greet you, I'll attend to some little things I have neglected these days, including the .... uh ... ferro da stiro, mio fedele amico e compagno di scorribande, eheheheh!
Voi che fate di bello???
Buona giornata!!!


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