Friday, March 11, 2011

Sandals For Neuropathy

Today many surprises for you .....

(Picture taken from the web of the box)

Well then, here's what I was talking the past few weeks .......

My giveaway ....... SURPRISE held to celebrate the third birthday of the blog, "Thoughts and pies" which will be March 27th!

Three years .... sometimes I think my mom has come a long way .... my blogghino!
Looking back at my first photo, crooked and ugly ... to my first post to me ... we put all the effort can to try to improve and make my blog more complete ...

This Giveaway is designed to thank you, everyone, without distinction, with all my heart ... this blog has given me a lot, and this I owe to you.
Thanks to those who commented, who passes for a greeting, who leaves me nice words, those around me in those times, bad times and rejoice with me in moments ...
Thanks for all the wonderful friendships I have cultivated and beautiful people I got to know through this small space ...
Thanks to my husband and my daughter who love me, stand me and support me in this adventure .... I love you!

Ci credete se dico che siete davvero importanti per me?

Se sono giù, stanca o arrabbiata per qualcosa...basta passare da voi e ritorna il buonumore!
Proprio per questo allora ho voluto pensare ad un piccolo regalo da farvi: un regalo a sorpresa che però racchiudesse in sè un pizzico di me, con le mie passioni e i miei  pasticci!
Immaginatevi allora una bella scatola regalo....
....con alcune cose al suo interno..... domanderete (lo so che siete curiosiiiii!!!!!)...cosa c'è dentro????

                                                 But I tell you .... it's a surprise!

I give you some clues:
are objects that represent me with my passions: DIY, reading and cooking .....
What say you, beckoning you the idea?

And then do join, participate numerous!

These are simple rules to participate:
- leave a comment to this post (I do not accept anonymous comments of any kind!) and is open to all, even those who do not have a blog
- if you like, and if you're not already, become my supporters
- affixed on your blog the banner of the gift box with a link to this post

I would love to receive feedback which also express your opinion on my blog, what you like and what not, where and how I could improve. ..

You will have time to attend to the day of my blog-birthday, ie March 27, by 24.00 hours;
after that, any comments come will be deemed void.
As I wrote before, I do not accept anonymous comments.
... and if you want to advertise a little thing, I'd be immensely happy!
extraction will be performed by the holy hand of my daughter ..., eheheheheh, we hope to draw well!

So ... get set, go !!!!!!!!
How about starting ???!!!

We expect many, join, join, join !!!!!!!!!!

And now I want to make another gift ...
prepared a treat to celebrate International Women's Day, candy without a lot of claims, but light and sound good, simple as they are my recipes, as it's my blog and as I am! They are

piccoli dolcetti gialli, come il colore della mimosa, dei narcisi, della primavera, del sole e della gioia!

Dolcetti gialli con mais e pere

125 gr farina gialla per polenta (io ho usato quella del Mulino Marino )
125 gr farina bianca
100 gr zucchero di canna (per me Grand Cru Swaziland di  A tutto bar )
85 gr di olio di girasole
1 uovo
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco dolce
mezza bustina di lievito per dolci
30 gr uvetta passa
1 pera
burro per ungere lo stampo
1 pizzico di sale fino

Stir the egg with sugar until a nice creamy swells (I used the Thermomix, 1 minute vel 4), then add the flours and baking powder sifted together, a pinch of salt, oil and wine and mix (for me always bimby vel.5 40 sec), finally add the raisins rinsed under warm water for a few minutes (with 30 Thermomix sec.vel.2 counterclockwise).
Mix well and pour into a mold or muffins as my Guardini the "perfect slices" slightly imburato. This mold has been a pleasant surprise ... the slices obtained are perfect, really !!!!!!!!

Cut and peel the pear into thin slices and place it on the surface of the sweets .... as you see in the picture.
Now bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes ... and voila!

Turn out the cakes (perfect, really!). A pleasure can also be dusted with icing sugar, but we liked it!

Now I leave you, with you enjoying a slice of this goodness ...
I'm waiting for my Giveaway, and ... a hug next time!

Buy Pokemon Soul Silver Online

Closing Blog counter!

This evening, as I did the usual tour sites / blog counter, I noticed that one of these, the Aurora Blog ( ) was CLOSED .
Not having direct contact with the head or with the writing, not as I know the reason, but what I find most disturbing is that not only the blog is more in line with all its articles, but that has already been replaced by an anonymous blog
For the moment it is still possible to search on google and see previews of some items, In fact, just to get an idea just type on google appear and previews of many interesting items including:
Morocco - Israel: Moroccan recruited by Mossad
I miei timori, infatti sono quelli che pian piano, senza fare troppo rumore, possano chiudere quei siti che pubblicando articoli non in linea con la "Verita Ufficiale" ed essendo una fonte indipendente INFORMAZIONE VERA e non MANIPOLATA, possono in qualche modo "disturbare" lo STATUS QUO e i piani di "INGREGGIMENTO" GLOBALE.

Kates Playground News 2009

The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Dopo quasi 50 anni, innumerevoli processi, dossier e ricostruzioni, l’unica cosa che appare certa nell’Assassinio del Presidente Kennedy è che non fu progettato, organizzato ed eseguito da una sola persona, anche se si è fatto di tutto that this was the official version. In this post I do not wish to reveal any secrets, but I just want to reconstruct the facts, uncover the motives and describe the context in which it carried out the murder and subsequent cover-ups. To do this I have drawn from various sources. All things were already said and repeated, but were never taken into consideration, I have never touched the

Official Truth."

but in most cases,

gets up and continues on his way. >>
(Winston Churchill)
First of all it is not my intention to dwell on the reconstruction of technical and ballistic projectiles, but recognizing it is nevertheless important to demonstrate the impossibility that it was only one perpetrator to carry out the attack you point out this article that describes in detail and shows how "fantastic" the official version:
JFK - Altrainformazione

But let's concentrate on the most "interesting": the motive

TERRIBLE CASE assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

(...) There is no doubt however that, as they become increasingly familiar with the power, began to JFK pursue a domestic and international politics who put him on a collision course with the occult powers Americans, who worked behind the scenes in spite of any official authority. This would be demonstrated by a speech delivered by JFK in 1961 before the representatives of the press gathered at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, from which the following steps must be rescued, to tell the truth very disturbing and terrible seen that then had to happen:

"The word 'secrecy' is repugnant in itself a free and open society and we as a people we historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, procedures secret ... We're running a very serious danger, that promises to massively increase the pressure for safety and placed in the hands of those who are eager to expand it to the limit of official censorship and concealment. Will not allow it, as far as I possibly can. "

(Tratto da :

Nell’estate del 1959 Castro si impadronì di Cuba, creando immediatamente un doppio ordine di problemi, sia politici che economici.
Da una parte l’alleanza di Cuba con i sovietici aveva gettato nel panico gli uomini della CIA, che già vivevano da molti anni in stato di tensione permanente a causa della guerra fredda. Cuba infatti, come avrebbe dimostrato la Crisi dei Missili del 1962, rappresentava una postazione strategica di assoluta importanza nei Caraibi.
Dall’altra i danni economici riportati by the Mafia, which had suddenly lost one of the capital of gambling and prostitution, had been enormous.
This is how the scene for one of the most bizarre alliances ever known in the history of the American nation, that between the CIA and the Mafia, which would last for ever.
There was also a normal type of economic urgency, especially from the sugar industry, which pushed for an immediate restoration of control over Cuba
Not least were the forces of Cuban émigrés, who had managed to flee to Florida at the time of the revolution, and now hoped to return as soon as possible to take possession of their assets on the island.
This amount of reasons within the CIA had launched a real "contest of ideas" for those who suggest the best excuse to attack the bearded rebel without sounding as brutal conquerors of the world's eyes.
One such project, called "Bay of Pigs" was developed by the outgoing Vice-President Nixon, who had to implement it as soon as it entered the White House the following year . The project involved a group of Cuban exiles, after failing an armed landing on Cuba, which had claimed American help, offering the classic excuse to launch an offensive army and regain the island.
the Kennedy White House did go, but the CIA chief Allen Dulles, however, decided to submit the plan for the invasion: after all, Kennedy also had an interest in regaining the island, for reasons of prestige. Dulles did not, however, showed that part of the plan with the request for military assistance by the Cuban exiles, and then easily won the approval of the president, who at that time must have thought: "If the Cuban exiles are able to resume 'island so much the better for us. If they can not, too bad for them. "

Instead, within hours of the invasion, Kennedy found himself in front of the official request for assistance from refugees, exiles, and only then realized that he was deceived by Allen Dulles. At that point, Kennedy chose to make a fool of in front of the world, recognizing that it had authorized a bankruptcy plan, but did not give permission to the military, not to risk a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.
Once the storm had subsided, Allen Dulles and Kennedy called him fired.
some time, however, Kennedy had made clear its intention to fully dismantle the CIA, which is now operated independently in foreign policy, and restore it to its original role as a simple data collection agency. (...)
Then there was the so-called military-industrial complex - a term coined recently by the outgoing President Eisenhower - who profits billions already glimpsed through the escalating military in Vietnam. But Kennedy since the beginning of '63 spoke openly to withdraw U.S. military support to Vietnam, and had made it clear that the operation would be taken back as soon as he won his re-election, in 1964. As if to confirm his intentions in November '63 - a few weeks before his death - Kennedy signed a presidential order which provided for the return of an initial contingent of 1,000 U.S. troops by Christmas of that year.
Interestingly, this was the first presidential order that the newly elected President Johnson made clear, four days after the assassination of John Kennedy. From that moment on, the history of Vietnam changed direction and became the tragedy we all know.

But it was not just the arms manufacturers to do with concern about the Kennedy presidency. Around the world industry was in turmoil, when John Kennedy took the chest of steel producers, forcing them - after an exasperating tug of war - moderation in the prices of their products instead of playing to the continuous rise. What would have happened - they asked other industry - if tomorrow Kennedy had made up his mind to regulate the prices of coal, or those of paper, or oil? *
Nevertheless, the two offspring inseparable "had chosen to leave no stone unturned, and even tried to strike at the heart of problem. The banking and monetary system, controlled by the Federal Reserve. Perhaps not everyone knows that the Federal Reserve's "federal" has very little, and is a regular private entity whose address is found in the Yellow Pages, just below that of Federal Express.

The question of the monetary system is so important and complex that it would not be enough books for dozens ulcers. Let's just say that thanks to a real "coup" policy, which took place in Washington in 1913, a group of private bankers (Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie) took over the future of billions of beings human being from that day to be able to determine freely their actual standard of living, from moments of being a sudden economic crisis of international scope.

The fact that a government like that of the United States must depend on the mood of the bankers, to see themselves borrow money at interest rates more or less favorable, instead of being able to print their own rate zero, speaks volumes about the location of the real power in the Western world.

Nor is it a problem, however, born in 1913. In that year, the bankers were able to finalize only an attempt to capture the power that lasted for over a century. Even President Lincoln had tried to escape from the grip of increasing private credit by printing the famous "greenbacks," or "bucks" government, which had financed the war against the Confederacy.
And it is precisely the danger that Lincoln represented for the bankers, on their way to winning the monetary system, which historians give more attention to his death at the hands of the usual "lonely crowd".

Even Kennedy had become aware of the problem, especially after a currency crisis due to the exchange ratio between gold and the dollar, which in previous years had begun to sway dangerously, jeopardizing the reliability of the U.S. currency on world markets.

Without much fanfare, in June 1963, Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 (Presidential Decree), which authorized the Treasury to print money for the value of about $ 4 billion , corresponding to the reserves of silver present at that time in the state coffers.
In other words, take over the government the right to print its own currency, would have saved Kennedy alla nazione gli interessi richiesti dalla Federal Reserve per “prestare” i soldi agli americani, riducendo in quel modo drasticamente il debito pubblico.
Chi ci avrebbe rimesso naturalmente era chi fino a quel giorno aveva lucrato su quegli interessi.
Come dicevamo all’inizio, si può quindi puntare il dito in un arco di 360° gradi senza timore di sbagliare ad indicare l’assassino del presidente Kennedy (e poi di Robert Kennedy, che 5 anni dopo aveva promesso di riprendere la battaglia contro gli stessi nemici, se fosse stato eletto alla presidenza).
Anche per quel che riguarda l’esecuzione fisica dell’attentato, diversi aspetti sono ormai stati chiariti dai migliori ricercatori del caso Kennedy, ma non è questa la sede per entrare nel dettaglio. Diciamo solo che la CIA si occupò di coordinare l’operazione ai livelli politici più alti, soprattutto nei delicati contatti con i Servizi Segreti, la cui collaborazione era essenziale per riuscire ad uccidere il presidente, mentre la mafia lo avrebbe eseguito materialmente. Hoover sarebbe stato ben felice di fornire il miglior cover-up di tutta la sua carriera, da parte dell’FBI, mentre Johnson potè finalmente soddisfare la sua ambizione di diventare presidente.

Gli industriali, i banchieri e i guerrafondai avrebbero provveduto a portare lo champagne.
 (Tratto da :


* Non solo, l’Executive Intelligence Review, attraverso una ricostruzione minuziosa del caso Mattei, afferma che il presidente dell’Eni, alla fine, era riuscito ad aprire un dialogo con la Casa White, despite the international press had painted Mattei as a dangerous subversive anti-American. Mattei, to Eir, failed to make it clear to the new Kennedy administration that all he wanted was to be treated equally, that he was angry with America but with the methods applied by the colonial "seven sisters" of the oil. The Kennedy administration accepted the box and put pressure on an oil company, Exxon, ENI to grant exploitation rights. The agreement was celebrated with a visit to Mattei in Washington, where he met U.S. President and received the award of an honorary degree from a prestigious U.S. university.

the eve of that trip, October 27, 1962, Mattei was assassinated. A year later, Kennedy was killed. In a confidential report from the Foreign Office on 19 July 1962, stating that the "the Matteismo" was "potentially very dangerous for all oil companies operating in free competition. (...)

(Adapted from: