Sunday, March 6, 2011

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La stampa israeliana: «I nostri Servizi lavorano per il Colonnello».
La rivelazione: Mercenari reclutati by Global CST -
The go-ahead by the same Netanyahu to prevent the victory of Islam.

Eric Salerno

'law, or truth, "the headline in the Israeli newspaper Maariv to tell a story straight out of an intriguing novel of political fiction. Those mercenaries, but not exclusively African, who are fighting in Libya to try to save Gaddafi were recruited from a well-known organization in Tel Aviv. At the request of the Libyan leader. And with the blessing of the highest levels of the Netanyahu government. In the eighties, when the Jamahiriya was one member of the 'axis of evil ", Yehezkel Dror, professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Israeli Defense Ministry adviser, said that" if it had not existed, the Libyan leader was invented. " The explanation: it is much less dangerous than it appeared, it allowed the West to flex its muscles as with other "rogue regimes" would be, from the strategic point of view, very risky. Over time, the name of Libya was removed from the blackboard of the bad, because, they said, was a bulwark against the advance of radical Islam in North Africa. It is precisely for this reason that Israel wanted to keep the throne of the Jamahiriya. Days ago, the Arabic television Al Jazeera said he had heard from an unidentified reporter from the newspaper Yediot Aharonot a story that is unbelievable. On 18 February, the Israeli prime minister would have gathered around him and his colleagues of Defense Ehud Barak, Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman and the chief of military intelligence, General Aviv Cochi.
had to decide on a request came from one of the leaders of the secret services in Tripoli. Libya does not recognize Israel, but there have always been indirect relations between the two countries. So much so that, years ago, the Mossad saved the life of Gaddafi making him get news of a plot against him. Now, according to the story, Gaddafi asked for help and was leva sulla paura degli israeliani di veder nascere in Libia uno stato islamico fondamentalista. Voleva mercenari e la Global Cst, diretta da un ex capo di stato maggiore, il generale Ziv, è famosa per queste cose: è sufficiente ricordare la liberazione di Ingrid Betancourt in Colombia. La richiesta era per cinquantamila mercenari. La cifra concordata, cinque miliardi di dollari. La Global Cst è presente in molti Paesi africani. Offre addestramento per gli eserciti del continente. E anche di più. Ma non deve essere facile mettere insieme cinquantamila soldati di ventura, anche se non mancano altre organizzazioni per il reclutamento di poveri africani disposti a tutto. Tutto vero? Vero in parte? Falso? Per ora non ci sono conferme. Ma, come sottolinea Maariv, even contradicted each other for a potentially very embarrassing for Israel. Of course, beyond these rumors, you can hardly ever know the truth, but this case shows how reality is much less readable than it might seem as apparent to the most naive.
From: a-Qaddafi & catid = 66: Libya-cat & Itemid = 78


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