Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Libya: military intervention, to lose the game for Italy

The extraction of oil has dropped to 400 thousand barrels, and today exports were suspended. The White House announced that the freezing of accounts of "family Gaddafi" has reached 60 billion dollars, about 200 billion of the money from Libya. The "freezing", in fact, is the first act to get their hands on the whole this booty in Western banks. A considerable sum for a nation of only 6 million inhabitants. The second step is the direct control of the deposits, separatism or via the intermediary of the provisional government recognized by "civilized."
Nel frattempo, però, con la ribellione del Bahrein ignorata dai media e diplomazie occidentali, la borsa dell’Arabia Saudita perde il 6% al giorno. Rischio di contagio fulminante per il Qatar e gli Emirati. Obama e il resto dei “civilizzati” non hanno nulla da eccepire, riguardo a queste autentiche stazioni di benzina anglosassoni. Lì non favoriscono nemmeno timide o larvate monarchie costituzionali. C'è omertà per l’incubo del risveglio sciita sprigionatosi in Bahrein. Con la precarietà in cui si ritrova la sede della Quinta Flotta USA. è l’Arabia Saudita ad essere sotto scacco.
practical terms, the carpet is the naval blockade and air exclusion zone. The defense minister Gates has expressed loud and clear its opposition to opening any new front of war on the United States. He slapped the British speak "free-wheeling" no-fly zone. They do not know what that means: you need a lot more of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise to the numerous waves of flights raiders. Gates knows the amount of anti-aircraft weaponry sold to Gaddafi, the volume of fire and the risks necessary to destroy it.

According to the usual standard requires three aircraft carriers, partially met by the Italian airports, but this can only be dismantled in other areas, such as Afghanistan. And 'only viable military intervention ally, with UN blessing and indispensable unanimity of NATO. But Lavrov said that "Russia is hostile to any military intervention in Libya, foreign intervention, especially armed-not resolve things." Suspends military cooperation with Tripoli but vetoes the rest. China advocates "peaceful methods".

NATO, to lend credibility to the initial operational gamble Anglo-must find a unity between its many members. There is an insurmountable obstacle for Turkey, and the division, the uncertainty, the distinctions and nuances of all the others. There remains a substantial wait-General: chi aspetta un'improvvisa e decisiva svolta interna in Libia, e Washington molto preoccupata se sfugge di mano il Bahrein. L’indecisione di Obama e i dubbi di Gates sono fondati: c’è pericolo che arda la miccia sciita e sconquassi il fatiscente racket dei saud. L’Arabia saudita e i protettorati arabici valgono molto di più della Libia, ma il neofito premier inglese tira per la giacca e preferisce le pose da duro.

E’ chiaro quel che hanno da guadagnare la BP, Total e Chevron dall’ingerenza militare in Libia, rimane misterioso quel che di positivo ne potrà ricavare l’Italia. E’ un gioco a perdere, un salto mortale carpiato. A maggio bisognerà incrementare gli purchases of oil in Russia and Iran. The left wing of liberalism, currently in the opposition-when you finally decide to say where to buy legitimate national energy requirements? For the rest, internal affairs and the future of Libya should be able to decide only the Libyans, without external interference. This should also be the horizon of the foreign ministry that is castrated and ENI and Finmeccanica will be flooded with refugees.
of: Tito Pulsinelli

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