Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Lcd Tvs

Berlusconi Mattei?

Beppe Grillo

Compare Berlusconi Mattei is a risky confrontation. As that between a dwarf and a giant. Mattei used parties such as taxi, paid the down stroke and when you reach your destination. Berlusconi is both driver and passenger and travel pay the Italians. Mattei was opposed by the P2 Cefis, the father of Masonic Gelli. Berlusconi is the son of P2 Gelli. Without clarity on the different size of the two characters, there are many historical similarities. The common denominator is the energy, gas, oil. Matthew tries to establish direct relations with the nations of Africa and the Middle East for the sfruttamento dei giacimenti petroliferi, un mercato allora dominato dalle compagnie americane, le cosiddette "Sette sorelle". Fu ucciso con una bomba posta sul suo aereo di ritorno dalla Sicilia. Berlusconi ha stretto accordi con la Libia e con la Russia, considerati Stati semi canaglia dagli Stati Uniti e suoi avversari mondiali nella guerra non dichiarata per il predominio energetico. L'Italia è il primo partner, attraverso l'ENI, dei gasdotti russo South Stream e libico Greenstream. South Stream è un progetto fortemente voluto da Putin e dalla Gazprom, connetterà la Russia con la UE entro il 2015 con una produzione di 63 miliardi di metri cubi/anno. Greenstream è stato realizzato da Libia e Italia, collega la Sicilia con i giacimenti di Bahr Essalam and Wafa and has a capacity of 8 billion cubic meters per year. Berlusconi has been implementing for years, an energy policy contrary to American interests, there is no doubt about this. To delete Mattei It took a bomb for a psychodwarf bunga bunga. O tempora, or mores.

Interview with Eugene Benetazzo, stockbroker independent

The reasons for the riots in Libya
Greetings to all Blog readers, today I would like to offer my personal opinion about what is happening in Italy and Libya. Here already undergone initial warning, Libya, unlike these two countries, lived in a state of grace that we can consider the Beyond the presence of a dictator, but the Libyan population had a life well-being of very high, very decent, almost everyone had a house, everyone could count on a subsidy and this was particularly high compared to other countries in North Africa Libyan helped people to live with a living after all much appreciated, so it's pretty unusual seeing Libya explode in a short time in terms of social unrest, all things considered without great motivation, we recall that Egypt and Tunisia have had as gradient of the first detonation of a crisis in food supply or even better the fact that food necessities, such as cereals, had increased dramatically in a few months.

Libya, Italy and the world energy policy So Libya currently has an economic and political situation quite unusual compared to adjacent states. Why Libya and Italy at the moment are to me a bit 'on the same floor? Why have the key players in their respective countries that are becoming very uncomfortable character-level international political establishment and, on the one hand we have our Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has recreated a phenomenal energy partnership between two historic enemies of the United States' America: Libya on the one hand and the United States on the other, rest assured che a Washington questo tipo di scenario, questi rapporti di forza creano non poche difficoltà, non poche pretese, visto che in più di un’occasione si è parlato del nostro paese, l’Italia, come il 52° Stato all’interno della Confederazione Americana.
Quindi da una parte abbiamo gli Stati Uniti che si sono visti un Paese che per anni ci ha sempre controllato che improvvisamente si è sganciato dallo strapotere, il diktat delle lobby petrolifere statunitensi e ha scelto una strada completamente a sé stante.
Dall’altra abbiamo un Paese come la Libia che ha iniziato a effettuare investimenti di recente anche sul nostro Paese che hanno delle implicazioni piuttosto gravose anche per gli stessi American is not accidental fact that the escalation against Libya explode when Libya became a major shareholder of Finmeccanica. Libya has recently increased its stake to 2%, knowing full well that he's going to raise it, bring it to grow in the coming semesters.
For the uninitiated Finmeccanica is the leading U.S. defense contractor, that is to say that is the subject that gives Uncle Sam, the beeper to the CIA, laser control systems, surveillance, weapons, helicopters, all military assets that need to manage a military conflict or to administer all the forces of intelligence.
Search to empathize with a partner in a U.S. institutional strength is seen entering the house the old enemy, that Libya now becoming a shareholder and therefore can boast of knowledge, can boast the ability to control weapons of the same United States' America, just because you have the nose in Finmeccanica.

In this context we can understand how there are two people that as soon as possible should be excluded from the policy framework - International: Silvio Berlusconi is the one that in all the ways they are trying to throw it down from the throne on which he sat for several years now and it seems that we are succeeding, in fact, outside of our channels in the as it is beyond painting, beyond how it was described, in addition to record incidents of sexual as we know everyone is a person who is not controllable in the United States on a par with previous Italian prime ministers. Second, we need to also get rid of an awkward figure in Libya where Colonel Gaddafi because in Italy through its reports of interference and then in Libya is literally creating havoc on the framework of oil supplies worldwide and therefore the rationale, vision all that is happening, partly in Italy and in part may be resumed in Libya, recounted in the face of this analysis we have carried out: two characters particularly troublesome at this time for the establishment and international geopolitical and international equilibrium across the planet.
see also:
Americans are seen at the time of Petroleum


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