PUZZLE ITALY: Energy Policy and the Cold War Reloaded (Libya Special Edition). If
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Bluetooth Controlled Switch
Article by: Rodolfo Bridges
From: "Per fare un puzzle bisogna sempre partire dagli angoli”. Questa massima può tornarci utile per capire cosa sta succedendo negli ultimi tempi: se paragonassimo la situazione politica italiana ad un puzzle dove interessi economici e politici si intersecano creando una complicata scacchiera, da dove we could start to rebuild the mosaic and have a clear vision of the historical period analyzed our energy policy?
The aim should start with a bold date: May 15, 2009
That day Italy rejoined with arrogance on the international stage by signing the agreement for the passage of the gas pipeline South Stream on national soil and to create SeverEnergia, a joint venture between Gazprom, Eni and Enel. On that date, Italy for the first time since post-war Italy has been linked politically to Russia. Lovers of contemporary history knows what happened in the 70s during the cold war in which Italy divenne luogo di scontro tra le due superpotenze, e sappiamo che la penisola italica è sempre stata terra di scontri per il suo ruolo strategico al centro del mediterraneo, non sono il primo a sostenerlo e a dirlo …
nave sanza nocchiero in gran tempesta,
non donna di province, ma bordello!
In a world where national sovereignty is positively related to the ability of a nation to be energy self-sufficient ", this strategic decision is an attempt to break the chains of foreign energy dependence, the second because the first attempt crashed to the ground October 27, 1962 at Bescapè with the plane of Enrico Mattei
. In our analysis will omit aspects related to the forthcoming energy crisis caused by peak oil that is my personal conviction (supported by data) and As a matter of objective fact established.
The South Stream pipeline, we have seen., Was preferred to the rival pipeline project sponsored by the U.S. and EU: Nabucco. South Stream gas to Europe will take advantage of two lines: a first arm direct to Austria and Germany and a second transiting on Hellenic soil ending in Puglia providing gas to Italy: the path is in direct competition with that of rival as seen from the map.
(correre.it) ANKARA - Hugs and kisses with Vladimir Putin, as always. Congratulations and thanks from Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Knight in Turkey is like being at home: two hours of trilateral unstaffed with two leading him among the most expensive, then the presence in the front row at a press conference in which the Russian-Turkish cuts (admittedly) the role of godfather of mediation between Ankara and Moscow ... ..
in Turkey in January was foiled a military coup plotted by a fringe of Erodogan army against the government, the Prime Minister that he signed agreements with Putin in Iran But I think there is no need for me dwell to tell how the propaganda machine is moved to attack on every front. Russia has now proposed as a mediator in order to preserve its economic and commercial interests, a war on Iranian soil to ensure a supply Nabucco gas pipeline (as happened in Iraq) and weaken the Russian-Iranian trade agreements.
Russia and USA compete on several fronts: political, military, economic and others, are creating allies, are moving their pawns and Italy is as history has always taught us a strategic country. Dear readers, we are During the cold war!
Russia and USA compete on several fronts: political, military, economic and others, are creating allies, are moving their pawns and Italy is as history has always taught us a strategic country. Dear readers, we are During the cold war!
I could dwell on this cold war reloaded, I promise that I will soon, but I think most interesssante return to Italian soil, and understand what is happening. The pro-Russian countries or important to the U.S. strategy of destabilization attempts have been: I would say that Italy being one of these countries is in the midst of the clash between the two factions. Before and after the time when the agreement South Stream was signed on May 15, 2009 April, the international financial powers that decide U.S. policy (the open secret of the Fed) began to attack the media as a government of Silvio Berlusconi by the Republic and the Financial Times, I will not go on the accuracy of charge or give an opinion on the person I just want to analyze the events of the last twelve months Italic using a key to interpreting other than tabloid fed into the populace.
The premier has repeatedly been attacked by Republic newspaper belonging to the Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso SpA This editorial is holding in his hand to the family by Benedetti Cirgroup whose shareholder the majority of family financial Cofide; this game of Chinese boxes helps us to understand who is attacking the front Silvio Berlusconi. Carlo de Benedetti was in the late 70's the golden boy of the house Fiat, this alliance with the carmaker is information that can be useful later to figure out which pieces are moved on the chessboard, Mr. De Benedetti is the man of the powerful Rothschild family of bankers (not having the physical space to explain why this great friendship I recommend reading this article should be skeptical of my last statement) influential family in the U.S. economy. The other newspaper, The Financial Times did not think that needs no introduction. In the Italian theater
have followed moves and counter moves, having decided to talk about energy policy we can not get lost in all the details.
The second choice of energy policy made by the Berlusconi government has stated that now the ultimate break with the side of the Atlantic have been trade agreements with Libya.
The African country is a further link between Italy and Russia, in fact, by the Italo-Libyan Elephant Oil Field consists of Paolo Scaroni costruizione Libya is involved in the South Stream gas pipeline, Eni in 2010 after making sure the exploitation of 66% of the Elephant oilfield ( under the agreements described above) sold half of his right of exploitation to Gazprom (33%).
The latest commercial partnership that provides a triangulation of Italy-Russia-Libya is the resources that takes place between Gazprom and the Libyan Proms by Bruno Ermolli trust the rider. Curiously

as in 2009 after the signing of the contract with South Stream followed an attack by the print media so pro-American after the conclusion of these agreements occurred in 2010 started a second wave of pressure to do down the government.
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