Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eagle Sport Metal Core


Several book reviews on a interesting book-length interview of John Fasanella Rosario Priore and the great mysteries of our country yesterday, that can also make us reflect on what is happening today

unspeakable truth that they have never been able to prove, for obvious reasons
“Ci sono verità che non ho mai potuto dire… Avrebbero potuto avere effetti destabilizzanti sugli equilibri interni e internazionale.”

L’indicibile della storia italiana. La domanda di fondo è: perché l’Italia dal 1969 è stata funestata dal terrorismo e dalla violenza politica con centinaia di morti e migliaia di feriti? Perché solo nel nostro paese?
Tutte le inchieste giudiziarie hanno so far given much importance to the role of secret services diverted, the P2, the CIA. Result: no judicial truth, not historical truth.
Rosario Priore, the magistrate who was in charge of subversion black and red, of workers' autonomy, the Moro case, Ustica, the assassination of John Paul II, here try to answer completely changing scenario. And analysis tools.
Thanks to years of research, testimony, evidence, private papers, interviews with former terrorists, secret agents and politicians, including foreigners, Prior reconstructs a scenario to explain the unprecedented international terrorism and the strategy of tension in Italy, witnessing the truth that no one has been able to certify through rulings. Affected the manpower (and not always), Justice has in fact had to stop without going to discover the highest level of responsibility.
We were at war, without knowing it. The hegemony of the Mediterranean, the control of energy sources have put us on a collision course with the French-born Englishman who has never our relationship with Libya. That's who was the third player after the USSR and the United States. No wonder then that the British were in favor of a coup in Italy in 1976 to stop the PCI and control the country.
Across Czechoslovakia Communist Germany and the Stasi had a good game to fuel terrorism. Ustica, Piazza Fontana, the Moro case, the Bologna massacre should be placed in this international context: they fall easy so many old beliefs and reconstructions, journalistic and even judicial, in all their inconsistency. The plot is actually Italian international. (...)
The Red Brigades were financed and trained by the secret service of East Germany, the Stasi, and even the Israeli secret service, Mossad, and offered their help. According to witnesses, German-speaking people were present during the massacre in Via Fani. In October 1973, in Sofia, the Bulgarian secret services attempt on the life of Enrico Berlinguer, who miraculously survived. The DC-9 aircraft was shot down in Ustica French, the target was Qaddafi in flight in the same area escorted by two Libyan Mig, of which one was hit. The attack set off by the French aircraft carrier Clemenceau, which was located south of Corsica. All the witnesses of the attack quickly died under mysterious circumstances, who was in the air and those who followed the tragedy from the ground. The captain of the base of Poggio Ballone died suddenly of a heart attack, Marshal of the same base killed himself, two pilots and military Nutarelli Naldini scomparvero nell’incidente di Ramstein prima di poter testimoniare ai magistrati. Persino il maresciallo che era in servizio nella sala radar di Otranto e vide precipitare il Mig libico sulla Sila si impiccò prima di deporre. Queste alcune verità, finora nascoste, contenute nel libro: “Intrigo internazionale” del giornalista Giovanni Fasanella e del giudice Rosario Priore. Nulla di quello che sappiamo è vero, neppure “le stragi di Stato“. Viviamo in un Paese fuori dal nostro controllo. (...)
Tratto da:

Ustica, Bologna, Via Fani, years of lead, Middle Eastern terrorism ... there is a connection between this and a historical framework that helps to clarify many mysteries, if only you care to examine it with a picture. Reading 'North by Northwest', claim that even from the standpoint of justice have no value, they become terribly realistic. (...)
As Prior says, spurred by Fasanella, there are countless cases of screening, by the loss of verbal or physical elimination of witnesses suspicious files, for example, some characters in the process of Ustica - the Nadine and Nutarelli pilots who had witnessed the slaughter of live or DC9 the captain and the sergeant of the base of Poggio Ballone, who had followed him on the radar - all died in mysterious circumstances before they can testify. (...) is also crucial to the framework of political and economic relations that is done, a key element - which is also very topical in these days - for example, is the relationship between the Italian Government and the Libyan as well as the Moro award helps to clarify the situation of relations between the various terrorist organizations in the Middle East and Italy. This is however not only an examination of the contexts 'hot': attention, enhanced by the narration of personal experiences nel corso delle indagini, Priore la dedica anche ai paesi atlantici, la Germania, gli Stati Uniti, l’Inghilterra e soprattutto la Francia. (...)
Tratto da:
(...) Dal '69 l'Italia è stata ferita dalle stragi e dal terrorismo. Perché proprio nel nostro Paese questa guerra?
F: Perché la crisi del delicato equilibrio politico su cui si era retto il nostro sistema fino a quel momento diede corpo alle paure reciproche di destra e sinistra, generando un climate of tension and violence. Indoor climate acted on that the interests of some European states, in contrast with the position of strong influence that Italy had won in the Mediterranean area because of good relations with the Arab oil producers.

P: I could respond with words spoken by a grand committee of the French Republic to an Italian journalist who a few years ago, gave him a similar question: "Why terrorism in Italy?". He replied: "Why not?". And he explained: "Italy is a democracy. If he was a communist regime, as the USSR, not known terror. Indeed, Italy is a democracy" soft. "And, as such, is also a luxury for peacetime. "I would add that Italy is a country with a young democracy, and therefore weak, unstable, which could bring down even with heavy, prolonged campaign of terrorism. It was originally (and probably still is), the great sick man of Europe. It was, in short, neither Britain nor France (long-standing democracies), or Germany, a strong state that could well withstand the attack of a hundred terrorists .(...)


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