Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thick Brown

The network of Soros funds the Violence

With a resolution of the European Parliament, the European Union calls on Montenegro to publish all attachments and documents related to the agreement with Italy on the implementation of power line Tivat-Pescara Terna. It seems to have been heard so the battle led by NGOs and consumer panel to stop one of the most important Italian energy projects in the Balkans, raised the issue of environmental protection. An anticipated outcome from the analysis of the Italian Observatory, and it takes very specific nuances of today, in relation to fears of energy insecurity created after the revolutions of North Africa, and the new role that the Balkans are taking on the so-called 'new iron curtain 'of energy. For months, in fact, the various organizations and associations were in atrial fibrillation to prepare for the campaign against dissent dossieraggio and investment in Montenegro and the Balkans all the Italian and Russian companies, in antagonism with the large multinational energy and the Anglo-American lobbies. In the front row for the affirmation of the Network of NGOs, MANS, which opened a harsh campaign of anti-corruption with the complicity of so-called independent newspapers, against the Djukanovic government, and especially of A2A and Terna, shooting at each zero type of investment program.

Download Budget 2008 Open Society Institute The Open Society Institute. Although the NGOs face of transparency and protection of the rights of a civil society-inspired dogma of his mission, it should be noted that this organization is lavishly funded by institutions (donors MANS) as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Microsoft Corporation, but especially by Transparency International Open philanthropist George Soros's Open Society Institute. His is a controversial figure who, besides reminding speculation and reckless investments, is now the symbol of modern revolutions synthetic tools at the forefront of disinformation, counter-information and intelligence. His true story brings us up to Netherlands Antilles, the ideal place to hide something and create offshore companies through which, with bonds and investment funds, money laundering and multiply, as a "miracle of the loaves and fishes." "Do as I say, and I do not," the story is essentially this: to preach the fight against corruption and conflict of interest, then to have within itself a huge contradiction. Do not forget that in these days, the Soros Fund Management, the private equity firm Silver Lake creates Kraftwerk, which will invest in start-up companies in the fields of renewable energy, electricity networks and energy efficiency. In addition, the Quantum Fund, Soros Foundation and linked to former U.S. Secretary of State, the 'Clinton' Madeleine Albright, stanno acquistando una partecipazione di controllo nella APR Energy, società che fornisce energia elettrica soprattutto nei paesi in via di sviluppo, investendo 250 milioni di dollari.

Le rivoluzioni colorate. Il conflitto di interesse della MANS, in relazione alla sua campagna di trasparenza sugli investimenti energetici italiani, è sin troppo evidente, anche se può sembrare fatta in buona fede. Lottano senza sosta, non si sa bene per quale causa, in nome di una sedicente democrazia che neanche in America esiste, e nei fatti nessun Paese al mondo l'ha conosciuta. Qual è dunque la vittoria delle ONG e della Open Society Institute finanziata con miliardi di dollari all'anno coming from the dark heritage of Soros. Recalling the history of this foundation - which funded the most famous revolutions of the '90s just to 'open countries in transition to liberalism and democracy' - is not difficult to understand the purpose of these campaigns veiled justicialism and values pseudo-democratic, sometimes so build the dissent in the society already precarious balance of foreboding and discontent and malaise. The fight against corruption becomes a tool, a means to get to undermine the relationship of the informal or tacit agreements between nations, companies and political elites, on which he built a proper balance within countries as complex, as is the the Balkans.
Disinformation and cybercrime. It 's a long story to these guys, because they bombed countries to impose their system of power and influence, and now continue to weave their cloth to enhance their area of \u200b\u200binfluence. In the Balkans arrive every day by billions of dollars each type of entity and institution, which flow into the coffers of organizations like the International Crisis Group, Human Right Wacht, Transparency International, are expanding their network with media campaigns, files and investigations: files, archives, surveys and rumors, everything is put on the web to feed the flow of information from local media lashed out against local politicians, foreign companies and new investors. E 'act in a real war in which disinformation is the real weapon of cyber crime, while the real information is the only means of defense. A warning by this time launched dall'Osservatorio Italiano, che ha parlato del progetto di Wikileaks ( si veda 
Lo scontro tra potere ortodosso e lobby della cybernetica
) - che tra l'altro sembra sia finanziato anch'essa dalla Open Society Institute - come una "macchina dei messaggi" per distruggere il concetto del 'documento segreto' e far crollare ogni barriera al filtro dell'informazione istituzionale. Questo è stato da noi definito 'crimine invisibile', la cui pericolosità sta venendo alla luce.

Si pensi al caso dell'Italia, dove il Premier Berlusconi, le sue televisioni e il suo conflitto di interesse sono oggetto di perenni di discussioni, ed ora anche oggetto di odio del cosiddetto 'Popolo viola'. Al contrario nessuno Murdoch speaks of control and almost global information, yet no one has ever raised a finger. Obviously, the denigration of Italy is a mosaic of meaning in the reconstruction of the areas of influence in the Mediterranean, and new wars over oil and energy resources in North Africa, under the blows of the targeted media. Unfortunately, those who work in these organizations is an accomplice in a very serious crime. Striking example of the discovery of a "mass grave in Libya" (VIDEO
), but already existed in August 2010 (
Photo - Google Map Coordinates
) here is evidence of the humanitarian wars of democracy. Today as yesterday, Bosnia and the Balkans have much to teach.



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