There is a thread that holds it tied the Libyan and the current issue, dating back two decades ago, which marked the unfortunate fate of the Balkans. A thread made of exaggerations, distortions, lies, and whatever inadequacies that led to the disintegration of former Yugoslavia and who are also playing an effective role in determining the outcome of the Libyan revolt.
But Yugoslavia was largely a result of the Cold War, a trench that stretched along the "Iron Curtain" which Tito was able to give a core of communism that had cemented the national unity. With the formation of the non-aligned bloc, the Yugoslav had also acquired an international reputation for nothing irrelevant. However, the death of Tito, the former Soviet Union and the seeds - the failure of economic reforms deprived the country within a few years, the reasons that had propped up the drive. Despite for Italy it was a golden opportunity to build on good-neighborly relations in order to assert their own strategic reasons - non legate solo al fatto singolo ed esclusivo di ritrovarsi con tre stati ferocemente antagonisti a pochi chilometri dai propri confini - prevalsero come al solito gli interessi di parrocchia, con una forte componente della Democrazia Cristiana storicamente prona ai voleri della Santa Sede.
Oggi assistiamo a una campagna disinformativa se possibile ancor più grottesca e unilaterale, che ha fatto immediatamente proprie le rivendicazioni di alcune frange di riottosi libici infeorociti con Muhammar Gheddafi, il nuovo Hitler, di turno dopo i vari Saddam Hussein e Slobodan Milosevic. Dopo pochi days of fighting there has been talk of staggering ten thousand deaths caused by bombings on the crowds, the creation of mass graves and the routine rapes of "demonstrators". A few days after news of the so-called "mass graves" turned out to be a colossal hoax, which has postponed the memory of those who do not have the brains to mush by the crap served up by "the media" to the fake carnage of Timisoara, put point to a table by the Soviet secret service (and not only by them) in order to oust the despot Nicolae Ceausescu. Day after day the myriad news for true dates were immediately refuted by the facts and when the whole house of cards "humanitarian" seems actually about to be buried under an avalanche of gross stupidity unmasked one after another. But European politicians are behaving like?
When Obama opened his mouth are all snapped to attention, including Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, who at first had wisely watched the jump on the bandwagon of the apparent victors. Yeah, because the Italian relations with Libya are dated 1911 and since then the government of any color have maintained excellent relations with that country. Gaddafi himself owes much to Italy, which several times has literally saved my skin when the French and Americans were angry with him. These good relations have yielded huge gold purchases and business for companies Italian flagship, such as Eni and Finmeccanica, the mechanism innescatosi put at serious risk. Now, given up with undue haste, Gaddafi can count on the loyalty of the army seems to have taken the initiative, which has called into sharp question the happy ending of the story. Faced with this prospect intolerable, Mr. Obama has decided once and for all to discover the cards and to raise the bar, telling Gaddafi to "go away" and talking about the real possibility of an "intervention" - humanitarian, of course - solver.
Meanwhile, Europe has blocked the assets of the "rais" Nuremberg and the Hague Tribunal is "investigating" crimes del "tiranno". Ancora una volta l'Europa si accoda agli USA, antepone gli interessi di Washington ai propri e si fa imporre che linea tenere sull'uscio di casa propria. Fosse per i paesi europei, un'altra Dayton si profilerebbe all'orizzonte. Malauguratamente, a scombussolare i piani della "divina provvidenza" ci si è messa l'ostinazione del beduino della Sirte. Il solito impudente.
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