Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bowel Infection December 2009


"E' difficile sapere quale sia la verità, ma a volte è molto facile riconoscere una falsità." Albert Einstein.

  L'11 settembre 2001, diciannove terroristi arabi suicidi pieni di un generico odio verso la libertà e la democrazia americana hanno dirottato (armati di taglierini) quattro aerei di linea (per la precisione due Boeing-757 e due Boeing-767 della American e della United Airlines) e ne hanno fatti schiantare due contro le Torri Gemelle del World Trade Center (WTC) di New York, che sono poi crollate in un modo che se davvero non ha impiegato esplosivi allora ha violato varie leggi fisiche, e un terzo contro il Pentagono, per mostrare la propria devozione ad Allah e punire il blasfemo impero capitalista americano.
Il quarto (il volo UA-93) a quanto ci è stato riferito si è schiantato the ground in western Pennsylvania, after passengers fought the terrorists have, they have overwhelmed and in a gesture of heroism sacrificed crashed in a deserted field to prevent more deaths.
Then, about seven hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, a third skyscraper, WTC-7, has decided to collapse on its plant in six and a half seconds in a completely identical to a controlled demolition that if it did not involve explosives as stated in the official version of events, she also violated many laws of physics.
Two days after these events, the FBI has pulled out of the cylinder, so still unknown, the names and identities of 19 dirottatori e del mandante, tale Osama bin Laden, e da allora quell'uomo e quei diciannove volti sono per tutto il mondo i colpevoli del più grande attentato terroristico della storia (nonostante bin Laden abbia sempre negato ogni coinvolgimento e si sappia da anni che molti dei presunti dirottatori sono probabilmente ancora vivi e innocenti).

Tutto abbastanza semplice e lineare, insomma.

Senonché sono state notate da molte persone (cioé da tutti quelli che si sono fermati un attimo a ragionarci su), decine di incongruenze e fatti inspiegabili, che secondo migliaia di persone sarebbero più che sufficienti a giustificare un'altra indagine (stavolta indipendente and free from governmental interference) on the events of that day.

Now, leaving aside speculation and hypotheses, fallible by their very nature, we come to the irrefutable evidence and strength honest AUDIOVISUAL (official photographs and videos) available to anyone from 11 September 2001, and analyze them in detail relying on the laws that govern our physical universe to understand what gave rise to all these doubts and these theories "conspiracy", bearing in mind that images and facts never lie.
Men often instead.


If you think you find in these pages the true story of 11 September 2001 and were held as indeed the facts, step by step, you are wrong. You make a simple mistake but very common. No one, except of course those who organized everything, can know precisely how the events took place that day. There is no way to find out. You can make more than theories, coherent and likely what you want, given the evidence in our possession (which can sometimes be quite significant), but not certain, simply because there is no way to verify them 100%. The problem is all here. (An exception is the controlled demolition of WTC, because we now have evidence about both physical and material.)
No one is in possession of the whole truth about what really happened on September 11 2001, and I strongly suggest you be wary of anyone who claims to know it, because it is truly an untrustworthy braggart.

WE CAN NOT REALLY know what happened (not with the means at our disposal), unless the guilty parties agree to confess (very unlikely).

BUT WE CAN 'DO NOT KNOW WHAT MAY' have happened, because the physical laws and prevent the precise facts beyond doubt.
The analysis here, strictly scientific and rational, examine every aspect of the official story and all lead to the same conclusion: things are not going as stated in the official version of events. Simply, the official explanation is not scientifically possible. We assure you the math, the properties of the materials involved, the rules most basic engineering and physics.

With the demonstration of the falsity of the official version, the purpose of this site is fully achieved. I do not intend to do more, because you can not do more. After all, the mere fact that the official story of September 11, 2001 is in fact completely false, and that in recent years have been conducted (and are still conducting) in the world wars based on blatant lies that have cost and will cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, in addition to significantly change the geopolitical world, it seems to me a conclusion already traumatic enough.

In this site, so you will not find how things went. You'll find as they are not gone.

If you think something important enough to justify the time it takes, good reading.





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