Monday, February 28, 2011

Get Rid Of Genital Acne


I do not know where else to write it so it will be here.
colleagues rude and burn-out can not take it anymore. In patients with invasive
not speak, but those patients would be at least (in theory only).
So our life is invaded in private but not by tapping the discomfort of others.
E 'palpable at all levels. But what I hate is when there is no attempt to maintain composure. Are you a colleague, let's also the Tu, but rispettiamoci.
Are you a patient, let's EACH of you and make the effort to keep everyone in place.
roles count and must be defended. Not that he who should rule that automatically goes to regular sluts around the world may fall the level of relationships that is maintained with its pusher.
Words are important, they said.
But even a handshake, the knock before you open the door, keeping a tone not grumpy. And if you do such a courtesy call, dear colleague, to update you on the condition of your patient, do not answer me: "Why do not you keep it?".
short work tired. All, however.
And if the evening I still regular five seconds of anguish on the couch, where I'm afraid to die one day, from now on I will think so.
I can decide only one thing: it's like to live. [How to die, whatever people may say it is a fake].
And I want to live with respect.
Mio e degli altri.
Cari i miei pezzi di merda!


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