Friday, February 18, 2011

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Kaczynski, la Polonia e le ipotesi del complotto sovietico.

Lech Kaczynski, a man uncomfortable - Everybody recognizes that Kaczynski was one of the most controversial politicians of Europe. Elected president of Poland in 2005 after a campaign marked by the defense of national values \u200b\u200band a strong state, the leader of the conservative PiS (Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc in Italian Law and Justice) was appointed in 2006, the twin brother Jaroslaw (which differ only by a mole on the left side of the nose) prime minister, giving rise to what will be referred sardonically as "monozygotic republic." Populism, nationalism, Catholicism, anti-communism and Euroscepticism are the coordinates within which lies the age Kaczynski.Lech Poland is very good to embody the feeling of the Polish national identity, which also recognizes Russia and Germany in the historical enemies Poland. Rekindled resentment that never vanished in the population of Lebensraum, a borderland between the two superpowers, Kaczynski wins the sympathy of many Poles, winning the conservative vote and that of rural areas. The President can not stand even the gay community: to prevent the mayor of Warsaw in 2002 is taking place at Gay Pride, through the Ministry of Education prohibits the "dissemination of homosexual behavior" in school. His obsession led him to collect even homophobic condemnation by the European Court. From convinced anti-communist (second only to Berlusconi) and the cry of "anti-Russia" started a real program decomunistizzazionedella Poland, kicking off in 2007 to "lustracja": 700000 Poles have to answer a questionnaire about their possible collaboration with the Soviet regime. The initiative, however, is rejected by the Court Costituzionale.Appoggiando vigorously anti-Soviet governments, Lech Kaczynski established close ties with Georgia and Ukraine, believes that a stronger NATO to deter Russia from reassert its influence over the East Europe. Lech Kaczynski was among the most tenacious supporters of U.S. missile defense system in Poland, so hated by the Soviets. By eurosceptic leadership opposes the German threat to veto, seeks to invoke the weight of Poland (to invoke the many fallen as value added), does not enter the Eurozone and adopt the Lisbon Treaty, although ratified by the its own parliament. In light of all this proves Lech Kaczynski sine doubt a real thorn in the side so as to West più ad Est. Un personalità sulla quale si continuerà a discutere animatamente per ironia del caso anche sulla data del funerale o sul luogo della sepoltura.

La complessa situazione geopolitica ed il fantasma di una seconda guerra fredda – Scrive Panebianco sul Corriere “Le paure di Varsavia nei confronti dell’imperialismo russo, alimentate da una memoria che non può essere cancellata, sono esasperate dalla scelta tedesca di un matrimonio di interessi con la Russia di Putin e Medvedev. I Paesi dell’est, Polonia in testa, sono sempre meno sicuri che l’Unione (europea) sia capace di dare loro adeguata protezione ed una solidarietà non solo formale a fronte dei periodici ruggiti dell’orso russo”. Le immature democrazie post-sovietiche temono un possibile risveglio del gigante rosso e non trovano nell’UE sufficiente rassicurazione. Ora è alquanto evidente “l’indebolimento del ruolo politico degli Stati Uniti”e diviene sempre più profonda la rottura dell’asse franco-tedesco che assicurava la continuità del processo di europeizzazione dei paesi dell’est . In quest’ottica è da connotarsi anche l’affermazione di movimenti ultraconservatori e nazionalisti (come il PiS dei Kaczynski in Polonia o, più recentemente, il Fidesz e il Jobbik in Ungheria) che ben si radicano in a scenario of widespread insecurity in the post-Soviet era. The Russian bear has awakened from hibernation and tries to regain its influence beyond the Urals. We are seeing a change in the geopolitical scenario, a rollback in the Soviet orbit, accompanied to the failed policies of containment of Russia's pro-Atlantic axis resists only Georgia (as yet?). Russia will be resumed after the Ukraine, including Kyrgyzstan, where is the Manas base (logistically crucial to keeping the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan) that the Soviets were not so veiled intention of taking away from the United States. Agreements Start and Start-2-1 between Washington and Moscow, aimed at riduzione degli armamenti nucleari, sembrano sempre più false partenze. Il governo russo ha emesso una dichiarazione unilaterale con la quale pone una condicio sine qua non per la finalizzazione del nuovo accordo Start: il nuovo scudo Usa non deve minacciare la capacità deterrente del potenziale nucleare russo. Questa dichiarazione ha acceso gli animi dei repubblicani che non sono convinti della reale disponibilità di Medvedev allo Start-2.

Ma Obama li rassicura dicendo che lo scudo non è da intendersi in chiave anti-sovietica, ma anti-Iran (che al momento ancora non ha armi nucleari). La morte di Kaczynski potrebbe far saltare il protocollo, firmato a few weeks ago between the U.S. and Warsaw, which includes the installation of ballistic missiles in Poland Patriot.Un other problem not secondary, indeed crucial, is the Russian desire to further consolidate control over energy resources in Central Asia. New agreements with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (the largest producers of natural gas in the region) and Europe's energy dependency will inevitably strengthen the Kremlin. The newfound harmony between Russia and Germany sanctioned the opening of the construction of the pipeline NordStream, is proof. The Berlin-Moscow axis and the Baltic gas pipeline weaken its East European countries, because it is essentially prevented them from exploiting a source of wealth imponderable. At the same time Poland should greet the poor in addition to its establishment (past mysteriously to a better life), the construction of the Yamal II, which would have accompanied and doubled the capacity of the Yamal pipeline (linking Russia to Europe via Poland). Despite NordStream is of vital importance for the EU, the consortium that manages the building is owned as to 51% of Gazprom (and thus of Moscow) and 49% of the German E.On. and Wintershall.

Conspiracy Theory - The soul of Poles are rightly suspicious, they have been through a lot over the centuries. Last calamity in chronological order is that of the fall del Tupolev Tu-154 che trasportava l’ossatura dello stato polacco, presidente in testa, alla commemorazione delle vittime dei sovietici nel 1939 a Katyn. L’incidente ha qualcosa di strano, come può essere per qualsiasi incidente aereo di per sè. Ma perchè s’erano recati proprio a Katyn? In verità alcuni giorni prima v’era stata una cerimonia commerativa ufficiale alla presenza del premier polacco Donald Tusk e del corrispettivo russo Vladimir Putin (sì, quello del lettone). Questo evento ha una valenza storica non indifferente, poichè è di fatto la prima volta che un leader russo partecipa a questa celebrazione che ricorda l’eccidio sovietico: un nuovo step nel percorso di disgelo russo-polacco intrapreso by Tusk. But Kaczynski and many others reject the weak position of Tuck and prefer to go for a private ceremony at Katyn and devoid of the Russian delegation. Never with the Russians! This motto was the fatal harbinger of death, the interior and Russia itself. I do not want to believe, and persuade anyone to do so in the plot, but the elements of incongruity, it is useless to deny it, there are. Hath been created for sure that even a geopolitical, as well as the solidarity of fact, the death of Kazcynski appears almost "fall from heaven" (as his plane for that matter). In Moscow it was certainly hated and was considered a near uncomfortable, and genetically distinctly pro-American anti-Russian. The Russians claim that the incident was due to "a mistake by the crew during landing approaches" Smolensk airport. Dead Kaczynski takes office Bronislaw Komorowski, Marshal of the Sejm (comparable to our Speaker of the House), which, unlike the president, has long been an ally of Moscow. Let's recap what happened: a Russian-made aircraft, recently totally overhauled with success (assures us the Russian Alexei Gusev, general director of Russian Aviaktor Factory) in Russia (Samara), with the well-known Polish anti-Russian on board crashes in Russia, when they had come to commemorate anti-Russian 22,000 Polish officers killed by the Russians (who blamed the Nazis) because no mending with Russia was admissible. Light on the investigation will obviously Russian. Mockery of fate? The fact that the plane was overhauled in December 2009 and appeared to be in perfect condition is to say everything and nothing. But many are convinced that it is not difficult to tamper with an altimeter (which can cause real problems for those who are forced to sail in sight). Another detail is that the fatal Smolensk airport is not equipped with a special radar anti-fog common in the West. The track was not visible for the fog and this radar, which was not there, would serve to finalize the landing. Of the children who were playing nearby, reported that the plane flew very low for some time, before falling. Some reported that they had distinctly heard two explosions. Already two explosions! Now, I'm not an expert on explosions, but my questions arise spontaneously. What can having determined? Fuel. And it was enough fuel in the tank to determine two explosions and completely disintegrate the aircraft, of which only fragments and parts of the wings and the reactors? The fragments of the plane, among others, have been found for several miles around the site of the fall. The New York Times tells us that the investigation concerns the possibility that Russian Lech Kaczynski has pressured the pilot to land anyway, despite conditions were prohibitive.

But the prosecutor spoke Polish Andrzej Seremet to deny flatly the reconstruction of Russia: there is no indication that such leave be concluded that the pilots of the Tupolev had been under pressure to land, despite the adverse conditions. The transcription of the black boxes have been categorically ruled out that the pressures exerted on the drivers, that landed equally, regardless of adverse weather conditions. The fact that you are tempted to four landings before the tragic outcome is unusual, because usually there are three tests allowed in these conditions, then you change the landing site. So it was not. We'll see the results of ongoing investigations, mindful of the fact that "Medved understands that the Cold War is over, Putin still no". The only thing that Putin could be done to remove the shadow of suspicion would be to participate actively in Poland to the investigation. The Times intends to "invite Polish experts and witnesses to be part of every aspect of the investigation," remembering "as the Katyn massacre and the death of General Sikorski, the incident in Smolensk will represent another milestone in the tragic history Poland. The horror of Katyn è stato nascosto per mezzo secolo dietro le menzogne sovietiche; il destino di Sikorski è stata oscurato, per troppo tempo, dal segreto britannico. Questa volta la Polonia dovrebbe avere il diritto di decidere che cosa è realmente accaduto”. Con buona pace di Kaczynski la Russia potrà aggiungere al pallottoliere anche la Polonia, dopo l’Ucraina ed il Kirghizistan. E al di là delle fantasie del complotto o dell’incidente si ha la concreta sensazione che qualcosa sia inesorabilmente mutato.
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