Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dry Cervical Mucus Implantation

spring nut bread with buckwheat and rosemary

gloomy day here today that from me ... fog , gray ... very sad really.
It 's just a good day to turn the oven ....
Although sometimes grumbles because someone here is not complied with the two-hourly rate of light ... oh yes .... oh well by know we can not sit there and watch all noooooooo ????!!!

And then I like to put your hands in the dough.
hands-on so to speak .. because (I be more than sincere), who usually is my beloved Thermomix kneads ... but prepare for the add, taste, see rise ... is a magic, alchemy unique and incredible, at least for me. And then you want to put the satisfaction of the result ... see and enjoy what you have prepared? I think it is unique! Sorry for the digression
(must be this fog that I tarnishes the brain, eheheheh!), All I'm talking about to show these girelline bread prepared a few days ago ... guys a show.
Very good (I just made my daughter there and we just eat them one by one, ready .. go!), Particularly given the saporin from buckwheat and rosemary.

This time I used the yeast, the next time I will try the yeast to see the result ... was also a little crunchy, perhaps have been a few more minutes in the oven it should be, but I plan to perfection because, buckwheat baked into bread, I discovered that I love it!

Ingredients: 150 gr flour 00

200 g buckwheat flour (for me both of Molino Rossetto )
80 gr di lievito madre appena rinfrescato
mezzo cucchiaino di aghi di rosmarino freschi o secchi tagliuzzati (io ho utilizzato quelli della Mondospezie )
10 gr sale fino
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
17 cl di acqua tiepida
latte per spennellare q.b
2 cucchiai scarsi di olio extravergine

Lavare, asciugare e tritare molto finemente gli aghi del rosmarino se freschi; tritare quelli secchi e lasciare da parte.

Preparazione col Bimby o impastatrice:
Sciogliere il lievito madre con l'acqua, lo zucchero e l'olio a vel. 3-4 per 1 minuto; aggiungere  il rosmarino, le farine setacciate insieme e il sale. Impastare 3 minuti attack too, add a few tablespoons of flour, must be a bell'impasto soft and hard.
Preparation hand
Place on work surface the two flour, add sugar and oil, then the yeast previously dissolved in water, and finally the rosemary and salt.
Begin kneading the first floor in a much stronger then in order to obtain a mixture as above.

If you wish to use the yeast, just pick 20 g and proceed as usual in the preparation, dissolve in water and then letting it rise for about three hours.

Form a nice ball, put it in a glass bowl, make a head screwdriver and let it rise (I always in the oven, covered with a damp cloth) for the whole night and at least for twelve hours.
Once this time, take the dough, knead quickly give him some more and divide into six equal parts, with which to form, working with his hands, 6 long sticks about a foot.
rolled up the dough sticks to give them the shape of a snail, leaving open the final part, as a small tail.
Arrange the snails on a baking sheet with parchment paper, brush the top with milk and leave to rise again in the oven about forty minutes. Then turn the oven
e portarlo ad una temperatura di 220° circa; cuocere per una mezz'oretta (ma la prossima volta mi sa che faccio qualche minuto in meno!).
Davvero ottime....
Gustate con dei formaggi...o una fettina di salame....provate e poi mi direte!

Buona giornata a tutti...volevo ringraziarvi per avermi augurato una felice guarigione dal vede che tutto ciò ha fatto effetto, perchè sto davvero molto meglio!!!!!!!
...........e bon appetit!

Con questa ricetta mi piacerebbe partecipare al contest di Montagne di Biscotti sul grano saraceno!

also always with these snails also participates in the contest for Well organized by Sonia and Illa for people


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