Monday, February 28, 2011

Cello For Sale In Bay Area

waving flags in the streets of King Idris.

When the historical memory is cleared.
Conquered Benghazi, the rebels have dropped the green flag of the Republic Libyan hoisting the red, black and green, with crescent and star: the monarchy of King Idris flag. The same hoisted by protesters (including those of Pd and Rc) Libyan embassy in Rome over the fence, shouting "This is the flag of Libya democratic quella di re Idris». Un atto simbolico, ricco di storia e di scottante attualità. Già emiro della Cirenaica e della Tripolitania, Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Senussi fu messo sul trono di Libia dagli inglesi, quando il paese, colonia italiana dal 1911, ottenne l’indipendenza nel 1951. La Libia diventava una monarchia federale, in cui re Idris esercitava la funzione di capo di stato, con il diritto di trasmetterla ai suoi eredi. Era sempre il sovrano a nominare il primo ministro, il consiglio dei ministri e metà dei membri del senato, che avevano il diritto di dissolvere la camera dei deputati.
In base a un trattato ventennale di «amicizia and alliance "with Britain in 1953, King Idris granted to the British in exchange for financial and military assistance, the use of air bases, naval and land in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. A similar agreement was concluded in 1954 with the United States, who obtained the use of Wheelus Field airbase on the outskirts of Tripoli. It became the main U.S. air base in the Mediterranean. United States and Britain has also in Libya, of shooting ranges for the Air Force. With Italy King Idris in 1956 concluded an agreement that not only cleared of all damages to Libya, but allowed the Italian community in Tripoli to maintain almost intact its assets.

Libya became even more important for the United States and Great Britain when, in the late '50s, the U.S. company Esso (ExxonMobil) confirmed the existence of large oil fields were discovered immediately and others later. The major companies, such as the U.S. and Britain's British Petroleum, it, won favorable concessions which ensured their control and the bulk of Libya's oil revenues. Also obtained two concessions the Italian Eni, through Agip. To better control the oil fields, was abolished in 1963, the federal form of government, eliminating the historical region of Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan.

propaganda of 1911

Flag of King Idris, who is now flying again in the civil war in Libya, is the standard of those who are exploiting the struggle of those who genuinely struggling for democracy against the regime of Gaddafi, Libya are reporting under the powers that once dominated. Those who, led by the United States, preparing to land in Libya under the cover of "peacekeeping." Meanwhile, in cooperation with the Pentagon, the Minister announced that La Russa will leave from the base in Sigonella military aircraft, direct to Libya for "purely humanitarian purposes." The stesso «intervento umanitario» che chiedono i pacifisti dell’«appello urgente» e quelli che sventolano la bandiera di re Idris, dimentichi della storia.

Dovrebbero ricordarsi che un secolo fa, nel 1911, l’occupazione della Libia, preparata da una martellante propaganda, fu sostenuta dalla maggioranza dell’opinione pubblica, mentre nei café-chantant si cantava «Tripoli, bel suol d’amore ti giunga dolce questa mia canzone». Cambiano i tempi e i linguaggi, ma resta la rima «al rombo del cannone».

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