Monday, February 14, 2011

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of biscuits, and good reading earlier this week ...

And so another week has begun. The weekend is almost blown away .... From
beautiful spring temperatures a few days ago, we are suddenly back in the cold, wet, rain ... so the real winter ... patience, for that matter if it's meant to be ...
Today I have some stories to tell. Maybe someone will find this boring and long post, but today I have much to say pigliatevelo and then ... well, eheheh!
First I want to thank Luca and Sabrina who thought of me for this little meme on reading, and although lately I do a little effort to comply with this commitment, I promise that I will ... so here I am!

How many books have you read in 2010?

I think about fifteen, twenty ... I really do not view the bill! If we want to put even the hybrid cooking ... well, then who knows?! Forties!

novels and how many were not?

Now cookbooks exclude them ... yes, almost all novels, perhaps ... but surely some wise novels. Even here I must say that I go to moments ... there are times when I prefer reading the more challenging, others I prefer to get away with something light and fun ... laughing is good too, right?!

The best book you read?

honestly do not know, because all I say I read all the books that I liked. In general, if not I'm passionate about reading, soaking in the third or fourth page ....
I really liked "the little girl with white sandals, read this summer ... maybe I was also at a particular moment of relaxation, I do not know ... I'll talk about this too below and I have just finished, I loved it.

The worst book?

Well, I refer to the speech than before ... if you do not attract me ... maybe not even begin to read this, I ended up in trouble (of course remains a very personal speech, eh?) "On The Cottage ' ocean "by Dorothy Hewett

The oldest book?

Recently I read a little refurbishing the Divine Comedy ...

one with the shortest title?

Ohmamma ... and who remembers? .. Maybe Luisito! but was read in 2009? Oh well ..... What

col titolo più lungo?

Sinceramente non lo so....

Quanti libri hai riletto?

Solo uno l'ho riletto varie volte, lo trovo bellissimo e mi ha toccato dentro...è "cinque quarti d'arancia" di J.Harris

I libri più letti dello stesso autore quest'anno? (per me sempre il nuovo anno è davvero appena cominciato...)

Quasi tutti di autori diversi....cerco possibilmente di leggere libri dello stesso autore con un certo distacco temporale, mi piace così.

Quanti libri scritti da autori italiani?

Sinceramente pochissimi. Forse due...

E quanti di questi libri sono stati presi in biblioteca?

Praticamente il novanta per cento....

Dei libri letti quanti erano nel formato e-book?

nessuno...adoro la cara vecchia carta, da sfogliare, toccare, annusare...

Ecco, qua avete letto un pò di me!!! Mi piacerebbe passare questo meme alla Ely e alla Lo , che so essere anche loro grandi lettrici...ragazze se vorrete farlo ne sarò felice!

...e questo è l'ultimo libro letto, che mi è piaciuto a lot, I mentioned above ....

I've read several things by the same author that I appreciate a lot ... but readings are strong enough, often because they touch the theme of illness and the family affections, and while still having a little daughter, you understand that I leave absolutely indifferent ... I prefer to read her with a certain detachment time to digest the story well (they are very sensitive, sometimes I identify myself and suffer with the characters!). Here is the site review:

''Things break constantly. Glasses, plates, nails. Promises. I cuori''

Il miglior libro di Jodi Picoult insieme alla Custode di mia sorella. Un legal thriller scritto con uno stile asciutto ed elegante.
Stephen King

La bambina di vetro
Jodi Picoult

Tutti i genitori in attesa vi diranno che non vogliono un bambino perfetto, ma che vogliono un bambino sano. Anche Charlotte e Sean O’Keefe avrebbero chiesto un bambino sano, se avessero potuto scegliere.
Invece, la loro vita è fatta di preoccupazioni, di notti insonni, di conti che si accumulano, degli sguardi pietosi dei genitori «più fortunati» and, even worse, "and if ...». And if their child had been born healthy?
But it is worthwhile to address this, because Willow is perfect, strange as it may seem. She's smart and cute, polite and courageous, to have just five years, is unexpectedly and profoundly wise. Willow is Willow, in sickness and in health.
But this "what if ..." delves deeply into the hearts and minds of Charlotte, who in the name of Willow and love that for her, decides to stand trial against the gynecologist who has not diagnosed before the child's illness: osteogenesis imperfecta, a term that describes an aseptic bone fragility incompatible with a development and a "normal" lives.
This means you try to answer a series of questions that perhaps a mother should never be forced to turn to.
And if Sean and Charlotte had known before the disease Willow? And if their beloved Willow had never been born?

"give birth shortly after three o'clock, but you do not see her again until eight at night. Every half hour, Sean went out for an update: They're submitting it to the x-rays do a blood test. They think it could also have a broken ankle. Then, at six o'clock, I brought the best news: Type III, said. He has seven healing fractures in four new, but breathing well. Lying in a hospital bed while smiled irrepressibly, ero certa di essere l’unica madre del Centro Nascite che si fosse mai sentita allietata da una simile notizia."

...cosa c'è di meglio in una giornata uggiosa, insieme ad un buon libro che ci tiene compagnia...di una bella infornata di biscotti da sgranocchiare?

Oggi vi voglio regalare questi, cicciotti e dalla crosta croccante, ma leggeri, (comunque golosissimi), presi da una vecchia ricetta di Cindy , che ogni tanto faccio anche da regalare e trovo spettacolari! Ottimi also be dipped, kept well in tins, softening slightly.

balls with ricotta and chocolate

The recipe is taken verbatim from the blog Cindystar

Ingredients: 350 g.

flour 1 egg 100 g. 125 grams of milk
200 grams of ricotta
sugar (for me this cane A whole bar )
1 / 2 packet yeast
100 g. chocolate chips 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
(I have not made, I added half a teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder)
(or grated orange or lemon peel)

Preparation: Mix well
the egg with sugar, milk and cottage cheese. Add the flour, baking powder and vanilla (or bourbon vanilla) sifted together. At the end add the chocolate chips. Shape into balls and place on baking sheet covered with parchment paper (I had difficulty because the mixture into balls was a bit 'sticky, so I helped her with a spoon). Leave in the refrigerator to rest for 30 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
oven and when cold sprinkle lightly with sugar veil. (I did not do it!)

Forgive the post a little longish, good start all week, perhaps with a good book, why not?!

the next ....


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