Monday, February 21, 2011

Lakers Bench In Front Of Section

Le rivoluzioni franco-britanniche.

"The North-Africa is on fire, an escalation of riots soon trasformatesi in civil wars. This is the war in the Mediterranean, which aims to track the new spheres of influence energy and subtract each check to Italy. "This is what was stated by Michael Altamura, Director Italian Observatory, according to which are now obvious manipulation of the campaigns of disinformation and false justicialism, aimed at creating the "false color revolutions" false and so the new Islamic capital. A major role is now played by the Internet and social-network that reveal a face much danger, that is a tool for the creation of gatherings and meetings of protest, as well as for the coordination of the masses. At stake are the interests of oil giants of the old Franco-British colonizers of Africa, with Total, Chevron, Exxon, Shell and BP have defined their empires energy, deciding now the dismissal of those Governments that they themselves have contributed to create. Italy, with its small giants, is now forced to retreat more and more, finding himself almost forced to leave Tripoli and the long series of economic cooperation signed with Gaddafi, but by itself will face a wave of refugees pressing on the coasts Lampedusa.

Energy Map of Africa Muslim

Such events will surely be echoed in the Balkans, where the already precarious stability of the governments are likely to be the target events incendiary, given the implications of ethno-religious in play. Swell so forums and blogs that incite hatred, discontent, riots, using every trivial pretext to turn the fuses to the fighting. Rising prices for the freezing of pensions, construction of a church expropriation of land. The hot spots in the Balkans are many, first of all the Sandzak claiming autonomy and greater rights for ethnic Bosnian Muslims, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which gunpowder weapons are too busy and too explosive, and finally Macedonia has not yet resolved the internal balance of the Macedonian-Albanian. Governments, in this silent war, have no means to monitor these new realities, in which there are specialized programs designed to trigger conflicts inter-ethnic and inter-religious, all this managed in a transnational level. "The media no longer represent the freedom of the press, but are now exclusively of signs of disinformation and provocation, are private companies with economic interests. The new" Internet users revolution "only serves to change the zones of influence and to make puppet governments in power ungovernable - -. Altamura said Italy remains impassive look at this paradoxical scenario, in which both Russia and America or England, and even lost the last country, may impose any shot anywhere .


presence of energy companies



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